اشهد الله واشهد ملائكته ان الفيوتشر بصورته الحالية حرام محرم الي قيام الساعة ويحتوي ربا والربا اخي سياخذ كل مالك الحلال معه .. اقلع عنه فورا ونحن علي عتبة رمضان ..ومن ترك شيئا لله
Spot Trading is a Sharia-compliant trading that depends on the method of execution and the nature of the assets traded. If the trading is accompanied by recommendations, the following matters must be considered to determine whether it is halal or haram: Spot trading ruling: 1. If the trading is in assets that are permissible according to Sharia: Such as stocks that do not engage in forbidden activities (usury, alcohol, gambling).