We now have an updated timeline for the redeployment of Liquity V2!
Next Week: Publication of the updated and patched V2 codebase
March - April: Hosting of a multi-week audit competition
Q2: Redeployment of Liquity V2 on Mainnet
Since Liquity V2 will be deployed as an immutable protocol, it is of the utmost importance to ensure proper and safe functioning under all circumstances.
The issue found in V2 revealed how deeply hidden edge cases can be, and how sophisticated the approaches to uncover them must be.
We believe we can best address this by adding an extra level of scrutiny by doing an open audit competition on the deployment-ready codebase. Security must be the first priority of an immutable deployment, and thus we believe a minor postponement to be an acceptable tradeoff.
The competition will be held via an audit platform, with further details to be shared shortly.
Lastly, teams who are forking Liquity V2 will be free to proceed at their own cadence once the patched codebase has been made publicly available. These teams will have access to audit competition results, and any resulting patches needed to upgrade their mutable deployments.
Please note that these teams will only consider activity from the initial Liquity V2 deployment up until February 12th, when the initial notice of a potential SP issue was given, as eligible for reward programs.
A fix for the issue in the Stability Pools raised regarding Liquity V2 is in development, and audits are scheduled to begin at the end of next week.
Liquity V2 will be redeployed, and users will be encouraged to reopen their positions on the new contracts.
What does this mean for current users?
- Liquity V2 Stability Pool depositors should close their positions. Immediate action is strongly advised, as there is an issue that could result in the loss of funds held in these contracts.
- Liquity V2 Borrowers should close their loans while liquidity conditions for BOLD remain favorable.
- BOLD holders without a loan position should sell their BOLD (more below).
If BOLD is above $1, BOLD holders should consider:
- Selling their BOLD using Curve, Uniswap, Balancer or a dex aggregator
- Providing single sided liquidity on Uniswap in ranges which they find attractive
- Setting limit orders on aggregators like Cow Swap
Yesterday’s issue with the Stability Pools (“Earn”) on Liquity V2 has been confirmed.
Users are strongly advised to close their Stability Pool (“Earn”) positions in Liquity V2. To the team’s knowledge, no users have been impacted and the issue is isolated to the Stability Pool (“Earn”).
All other parts of the system are unaffected (“Borrow”, “Multiply” and “Stake”) and BOLD remains fully backed and redeemable.
The Liquity V2 protocol will be redeployed with a patch.
We will update via our official channels (Discord, Twitter) next week.
Yesterday’s issue with the Stability Pools (“Earn”) on Liquity V2 has been confirmed.
Users are strongly advised to close their Stability Pool (“Earn”) positions in Liquity V2.
To the team’s knowledge this issue has not been exploited, no users have been impacted and the issue is isolated to the Stability Pool (“Earn”). All other parts of the system are unaffected (“Borrow”, “Multiply” and “Stake”) and BOLD remains fully backed and redeemable.
The Liquity V2 protocol will be redeployed with a patch.
We will update via our official channels (Discord, Twitter) next week.
The Liquity team was informed of a potential issue affecting Liquity V2 Stability Pools (“Earn”), and is currently investigating a potential impact.
The team is currently working on confirming this potential issue and solutions. The protocol continues to work as expected and to the team’s knowledge the potential issue has not impacted any users.
Out of an abundance of caution, a Liquity V2 user should close their Stability Pool (“Earn”) positions.
Based on the current understanding, the following parts of the system aren’t affected:
- BOLD remains fully backed and redeemable - Borrowers can withdraw their collateral assets - Staked LQTY positions are not impacted
We will keep you updated via only our official channels (Discord announcements and Twitter).
Currently, 20K $BOLD per week is allocated to expand the V2 ecosystem. If you're setting up a pool with BOLD or planning another integration, apply to receive them.
In the first two weeks of PIL, 45,000 BOLD have been allocated to various initiatives. The majority has gone to the @CurveFinance pools, with a significant portion also allocated to @DeFiCollective_.
The ants have made good use of the funds on @VelodromeFi, boosting the $BOLD APRs to 60%!
If you want to receive BOLD incentives too, know that bribing is now live and active.