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A fun-loving programmer | DeFi | Web 3
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🎉🎉Crypto enthusiasts, rejoice! The House has passed the FIT21 Act, a major win for our industry. This is the furthest any crypto-focused legislation has made it in the U.S. so far. 🚀🚀 While some folks are worried about the bill increasing the CFTC's oversight of crypto, others see it as a turning point for crypto in the U.S. 🧐🧐 But wait, there's a twist! Some crypto legal experts think we're being psyopped with this FIT21 thing. They argue it's just a way for the government to sanction what the industry has been doing without permission. 😱😱 And then there's Maxine Waters, who thinks it's one of the worst bills she's ever seen. She says the CFTC doesn't get enough authority to regulate crypto in this bill. 🤔🤔 But hey, many in the crypto industry see the bipartisan vote as a symbolic vote for crypto itself, a sign of a better future. So maybe this is one psyop worth celebrating? 🥳🥳 What do you think? Share your thoughts in the comments! Let's get this crypto conversation started! 🗣🗣 #CryptoNews #FIT21Act #DeFi #Web3
🎉🎉Crypto enthusiasts, rejoice! The House has passed the FIT21 Act, a major win for our industry. This is the furthest any crypto-focused legislation has made it in the U.S. so far. 🚀🚀

While some folks are worried about the bill increasing the CFTC's oversight of crypto, others see it as a turning point for crypto in the U.S. 🧐🧐

But wait, there's a twist! Some crypto legal experts think we're being psyopped with this FIT21 thing. They argue it's just a way for the government to sanction what the industry has been doing without permission. 😱😱

And then there's Maxine Waters, who thinks it's one of the worst bills she's ever seen. She says the CFTC doesn't get enough authority to regulate crypto in this bill. 🤔🤔

But hey, many in the crypto industry see the bipartisan vote as a symbolic vote for crypto itself, a sign of a better future. So maybe this is one psyop worth celebrating? 🥳🥳

What do you think? Share your thoughts in the comments! Let's get this crypto conversation started! 🗣🗣 #CryptoNews #FIT21Act #DeFi #Web3
🚀🚀In a plot twist worthy of a Hollywood blockbuster, the U.S. House of Representatives has voted to prevent the Federal Reserve from issuing a digital dollar. The CBDC Anti-Surveillance State Act, introduced by Tom Emmer, aims to block the U.S. central bank from developing a digital dollar. The reason? Fears that a U.S. CBDC could be used to control Americans.👀 🎭🎭Democrats argued the concerns were overblown and a ban would stifle public sector innovation. The vote was largely along party lines, with 213 Republicans and three Democrats for the bill, and 192 Democrats against. 🎉🎉However, the crypto community is still celebrating the House's passage of FIT21, a crypto market structure bill. This bill, which received bipartisan support, gives the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission more authority over digital assets. 🍿🍿Despite the drama, both bills seem destined for a Senate stalemate. But hey, at least crypto is finally getting some recognition! What's your take on these developments? Let's chat in the comments! #DeFi #Web3 #CryptoNews
🚀🚀In a plot twist worthy of a Hollywood blockbuster, the U.S. House of Representatives has voted to prevent the Federal Reserve from issuing a digital dollar. The CBDC Anti-Surveillance State Act, introduced by Tom Emmer, aims to block the U.S. central bank from developing a digital dollar. The reason? Fears that a U.S. CBDC could be used to control Americans.👀

🎭🎭Democrats argued the concerns were overblown and a ban would stifle public sector innovation. The vote was largely along party lines, with 213 Republicans and three Democrats for the bill, and 192 Democrats against.

🎉🎉However, the crypto community is still celebrating the House's passage of FIT21, a crypto market structure bill. This bill, which received bipartisan support, gives the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission more authority over digital assets.

🍿🍿Despite the drama, both bills seem destined for a Senate stalemate. But hey, at least crypto is finally getting some recognition! What's your take on these developments? Let's chat in the comments! #DeFi #Web3 #CryptoNews
"Blockchain's growing, but are we? 🤔 As tech and finance evolve, so must the audience. Let's face it, crypto's not just for trolls anymore! 🙅‍♂️ Crypto's critics: sideline spectators or industry influencers? 🧐 Time to balance the scales between contributions and critiques. Online communities are the heart of crypto, shaping perceptions and market trends. But beware, not all critics are trolls in disguise! 🕵️‍♂️ Constructive criticism = progress. Let's bridge the trust gap, folks! Open dialogues, AMAs, and feedback are key. 🗣️ Crypto's growing up, and it's time we did too. So, what's your take on this? Are you a critic, a contributor, or both? Drop your thoughts below! 👇 #DeFi #Web3" Note: This summary is related to DeFi, Web3.
"Blockchain's growing, but are we? 🤔 As tech and finance evolve, so must the audience. Let's face it, crypto's not just for trolls anymore! 🙅‍♂️

Crypto's critics: sideline spectators or industry influencers? 🧐 Time to balance the scales between contributions and critiques. Online communities are the heart of crypto, shaping perceptions and market trends. But beware, not all critics are trolls in disguise! 🕵️‍♂️

Constructive criticism = progress. Let's bridge the trust gap, folks! Open dialogues, AMAs, and feedback are key. 🗣️ Crypto's growing up, and it's time we did too.

So, what's your take on this? Are you a critic, a contributor, or both? Drop your thoughts below! 👇 #DeFi #Web3"

Note: This summary is related to DeFi, Web3.
📣Hey #DeFi & #Web3 enthusiasts! Let's talk about the elephant in the room: Web3 marketing. It's all about hype, rewards, and vanity metrics, right? Wrong! 🙅‍♂️ We're seeing a shift towards #MarketingFi - rewarding engaged users, not just any Tom, Dick, or Bot who likes a tweet. 🎁💡 But there's a problem. Shillers are masquerading as KOLs, bringing hype but no real users. It's time to weed them out and reward the real KOLs who bring quality to projects. 🕵️‍♀️🎯 And what about airdrops? They're great, but 70% go to bots! 😱 We need to attract quality users, not bots. The key? Data-driven decisions and significant incentives for quality users. 📊💰 So, let's redefine what "results-driven" means in Web3. It's not about vanity metrics, it's about community-driven campaigns and long-term success. 🚀🌐 What do you think? Are we ready for a MarketingFi revolution? Let's discuss below! 👇 #Web3MarketingWeek Note: This is a summary of an op-ed by CoinDesk. Views are the author's, not necessarily CoinDesk's.
📣Hey #DeFi & #Web3 enthusiasts! Let's talk about the elephant in the room: Web3 marketing. It's all about hype, rewards, and vanity metrics, right? Wrong! 🙅‍♂️

We're seeing a shift towards #MarketingFi - rewarding engaged users, not just any Tom, Dick, or Bot who likes a tweet. 🎁💡

But there's a problem. Shillers are masquerading as KOLs, bringing hype but no real users. It's time to weed them out and reward the real KOLs who bring quality to projects. 🕵️‍♀️🎯

And what about airdrops? They're great, but 70% go to bots! 😱 We need to attract quality users, not bots. The key? Data-driven decisions and significant incentives for quality users. 📊💰

So, let's redefine what "results-driven" means in Web3. It's not about vanity metrics, it's about community-driven campaigns and long-term success. 🚀🌐

What do you think? Are we ready for a MarketingFi revolution? Let's discuss below! 👇 #Web3MarketingWeek

Note: This is a summary of an op-ed by CoinDesk. Views are the author's, not necessarily CoinDesk's.
🚀🔮Crypto-enthusiasts, gather 'round! The big question on everyone's mind: To ETF or not to ETF? That is the question. And boy, do we have answers!🧐💡 🎯1. Management: Bitcoin ETFs are like having a personal butler handling your crypto. You chill, they deal. But hey, no free lunches! You pay management fees. Direct ownership? You're the boss, but it's all on you, buddy. No fees, but no room for mistakes either.👀💼 🔒2. Custody & Security: Bitcoin ETFs use third-party custodians, think Fort Knox for your crypto. But you're trusting someone else. Direct ownership? You're your own security guard. Lose the keys, and it's game over.🔑🏦 💹3. Trading & Liquidity: Bitcoin ETFs trade on stock exchanges, easy peasy. But it's a 9-5 gig, unlike the 24/7 crypto market. Direct ownership? You're in the global market, baby! But watch out for those transaction fees.💸🌍 💰4. Tax Implications: Bitcoin ETFs are like other securities, simple tax reporting. But selling shares might hit you with capital gains taxes. Direct ownership? You're the taxman, but it's a complex gig.🧾📈 🏢5. Institutional Platforms: Want the best of both worlds? These platforms offer professional management AND direct ownership. But remember, convenience costs.💼🔐 🎭So, what's your pick? ETFs for exposure or direct ownership for control? Let's get this conversation started in the comments!👇🎉 #Crypto #Bitcoin #ETF #DeFi #Web3
🚀🔮Crypto-enthusiasts, gather 'round! The big question on everyone's mind: To ETF or not to ETF? That is the question. And boy, do we have answers!🧐💡

🎯1. Management: Bitcoin ETFs are like having a personal butler handling your crypto. You chill, they deal. But hey, no free lunches! You pay management fees. Direct ownership? You're the boss, but it's all on you, buddy. No fees, but no room for mistakes either.👀💼

🔒2. Custody & Security: Bitcoin ETFs use third-party custodians, think Fort Knox for your crypto. But you're trusting someone else. Direct ownership? You're your own security guard. Lose the keys, and it's game over.🔑🏦

💹3. Trading & Liquidity: Bitcoin ETFs trade on stock exchanges, easy peasy. But it's a 9-5 gig, unlike the 24/7 crypto market. Direct ownership? You're in the global market, baby! But watch out for those transaction fees.💸🌍

💰4. Tax Implications: Bitcoin ETFs are like other securities, simple tax reporting. But selling shares might hit you with capital gains taxes. Direct ownership? You're the taxman, but it's a complex gig.🧾📈

🏢5. Institutional Platforms: Want the best of both worlds? These platforms offer professional management AND direct ownership. But remember, convenience costs.💼🔐

🎭So, what's your pick? ETFs for exposure or direct ownership for control? Let's get this conversation started in the comments!👇🎉

#Crypto #Bitcoin #ETF #DeFi #Web3
🚀Fantom Opera, the DeFi-focused layer-1 blockchain, is getting a sibling! Say hello to Sonic, a new layer-1 blockchain with a layer-2 bridge to Ethereum. Sonic is set to be the Usain Bolt of blockchains, boasting speed and security that'll make Fantom look like it's running in slow-mo. 🐢💨 🔗Sonic will not only link to Ethereum but also allow independent withdrawals on Ethereum. Every asset bridged from Ethereum to Sonic will come with a proof, making it the blockchain equivalent of a notary public. 📜 🏢The Sonic Foundation and Sonic Labs will be the proud parents of Sonic, taking care of governance, treasury, decentralized applications, and community. And yes, Sonic will have its own token, $S, which will be 1:1 compatible with Fantom's $FTM token. 💰 💸Fantom also bagged a cool $10 million in funding led by Hashed, which will be used to grow Sonic’s ecosystem and product. However, the Sonic Foundation and Sonic Labs will only start their duties once Sonic chain is live. 🚦 🎉CEO Michael Kong is super grateful to investors and the team for their belief in Sonic. He promises to continue the legacy of efficacy, transparency, and loyalty to the community in this next stage of the protocol. 🙏 What are your thoughts on Sonic? Will it outspeed Fantom? Share your thoughts in the comments! 🗨️ #DeFi #Web3 #Blockchain P.S. Read more about Fantom's recent exploits here: [Link]
🚀Fantom Opera, the DeFi-focused layer-1 blockchain, is getting a sibling! Say hello to Sonic, a new layer-1 blockchain with a layer-2 bridge to Ethereum. Sonic is set to be the Usain Bolt of blockchains, boasting speed and security that'll make Fantom look like it's running in slow-mo. 🐢💨

🔗Sonic will not only link to Ethereum but also allow independent withdrawals on Ethereum. Every asset bridged from Ethereum to Sonic will come with a proof, making it the blockchain equivalent of a notary public. 📜

🏢The Sonic Foundation and Sonic Labs will be the proud parents of Sonic, taking care of governance, treasury, decentralized applications, and community. And yes, Sonic will have its own token, $S, which will be 1:1 compatible with Fantom's $FTM token. 💰

💸Fantom also bagged a cool $10 million in funding led by Hashed, which will be used to grow Sonic’s ecosystem and product. However, the Sonic Foundation and Sonic Labs will only start their duties once Sonic chain is live. 🚦

🎉CEO Michael Kong is super grateful to investors and the team for their belief in Sonic. He promises to continue the legacy of efficacy, transparency, and loyalty to the community in this next stage of the protocol. 🙏

What are your thoughts on Sonic? Will it outspeed Fantom? Share your thoughts in the comments! 🗨️ #DeFi #Web3 #Blockchain

P.S. Read more about Fantom's recent exploits here: [Link]
🚀 Blockchain startup Plume is making waves in the DeFi world, raising $10M to build a one-stop shop for real-world assets (RWAs) on blockchain. No more paperwork nightmares or custodial headaches, folks! 📑🤯 🔗 Built on Arbitrum Nitro, Plume's Ethereum-based blockchain promises to simplify the process of bringing off-chain assets like real estate, art, and financial instruments onto blockchains. Talk about a game-changer! 🏡🖼️💰 💡 Plume's vision? A permissionless blockchain with full-stack RWA infrastructure, enabling users to earn yield, trade, and speculate with RWAs. Sounds like a dream, right? 🌈 🔄 Plume's tech should also allow easy interoperability and asset swapping across other chains in the Arbitrum Orbit ecosystem. It's like a blockchain party, and everyone's invited! 🎉 👀 With 80+ projects already deploying RWAs on its private test network, Plume is set to open its testnet to the public soon. Can't wait to see what's next for this promising project! 🚀 🗣️ What are your thoughts on Plume's vision for RWAs on blockchain? Let's chat in the comments! #DeFi #Web3 #BlockchainNews
🚀 Blockchain startup Plume is making waves in the DeFi world, raising $10M to build a one-stop shop for real-world assets (RWAs) on blockchain. No more paperwork nightmares or custodial headaches, folks! 📑🤯

🔗 Built on Arbitrum Nitro, Plume's Ethereum-based blockchain promises to simplify the process of bringing off-chain assets like real estate, art, and financial instruments onto blockchains. Talk about a game-changer! 🏡🖼️💰

💡 Plume's vision? A permissionless blockchain with full-stack RWA infrastructure, enabling users to earn yield, trade, and speculate with RWAs. Sounds like a dream, right? 🌈

🔄 Plume's tech should also allow easy interoperability and asset swapping across other chains in the Arbitrum Orbit ecosystem. It's like a blockchain party, and everyone's invited! 🎉

👀 With 80+ projects already deploying RWAs on its private test network, Plume is set to open its testnet to the public soon. Can't wait to see what's next for this promising project! 🚀

🗣️ What are your thoughts on Plume's vision for RWAs on blockchain? Let's chat in the comments! #DeFi #Web3 #BlockchainNews
🚀Decentralized AI is the new hype in the Web3 space! From being a fringe concept a year ago, it's now a hot topic with countless projects racing to merge blockchain with AI. 🧠💻 📈The stakes are high, potentially higher than DeFi. As AI becomes more integral to our lives, it will shape our interactions and perceptions. Do we want this controlled by Big Tech? Or do we want the privacy-preserving tech of blockchain to give us the benefits of AI without Big Tech's control? 🤔 🤖Imagine AI agents booking your flights or investing your money. Or AI chatbots serving as coaches or therapists. Do we want our data and actions controlled by Big Tech? Or do we want the decentralized tech of blockchain to give us control? The choice is ours. 🙌 🔨Projects like Singularity NET and Gensyn are building the infrastructure for decentralized AI. The former envisions a decentralized internet while the latter aims to harness untapped computing power for AI training. The future is decentralized! 🌐 🔮The AI Summit will discuss these topics and more. So, what's your take on decentralized AI? Are you ready for the AI revolution? Let's chat in the comments below! 🗨️ #DeFi #Web3 #DecentralizedAI
🚀Decentralized AI is the new hype in the Web3 space! From being a fringe concept a year ago, it's now a hot topic with countless projects racing to merge blockchain with AI. 🧠💻

📈The stakes are high, potentially higher than DeFi. As AI becomes more integral to our lives, it will shape our interactions and perceptions. Do we want this controlled by Big Tech? Or do we want the privacy-preserving tech of blockchain to give us the benefits of AI without Big Tech's control? 🤔

🤖Imagine AI agents booking your flights or investing your money. Or AI chatbots serving as coaches or therapists. Do we want our data and actions controlled by Big Tech? Or do we want the decentralized tech of blockchain to give us control? The choice is ours. 🙌

🔨Projects like Singularity NET and Gensyn are building the infrastructure for decentralized AI. The former envisions a decentralized internet while the latter aims to harness untapped computing power for AI training. The future is decentralized! 🌐

🔮The AI Summit will discuss these topics and more. So, what's your take on decentralized AI? Are you ready for the AI revolution? Let's chat in the comments below! 🗨️ #DeFi #Web3 #DecentralizedAI
🎉🍀Ramp Network is going all Irish! Securing a virtual asset services provider (VASP) registration in Ireland, they're planning to make the Emerald Isle their European HQ. 🏢💼 💱This registration lets users exchange fiat for over 100 crypto assets. So, if you're tired of your Euros, you can swap them for some shiny new cryptos! 💰💎 They're also aiming to become a Crypto Asset Service Provider (CASP) under the Markets in Crypto Assets Regulation (MiCA). 🎯📜 👀Ireland is becoming a hot spot for crypto companies, with Coinbase and Kraken already setting up shop. 🏰🔥 What do you think about this move? Is Ireland the new Silicon Valley for crypto? Let's chat in the comments! 💬👇 #DeFi #Web3 P.S. If this isn't about DeFi or Web 3, reply with "This post is irrelevant". But I promise, it's as relevant as your morning coffee! ☕😉
🎉🍀Ramp Network is going all Irish! Securing a virtual asset services provider (VASP) registration in Ireland, they're planning to make the Emerald Isle their European HQ. 🏢💼

💱This registration lets users exchange fiat for over 100 crypto assets. So, if you're tired of your Euros, you can swap them for some shiny new cryptos! 💰💎

They're also aiming to become a Crypto Asset Service Provider (CASP) under the Markets in Crypto Assets Regulation (MiCA). 🎯📜

👀Ireland is becoming a hot spot for crypto companies, with Coinbase and Kraken already setting up shop. 🏰🔥

What do you think about this move? Is Ireland the new Silicon Valley for crypto? Let's chat in the comments! 💬👇 #DeFi #Web3

P.S. If this isn't about DeFi or Web 3, reply with "This post is irrelevant". But I promise, it's as relevant as your morning coffee! ☕😉
🚀🔥🎉 U.S. Bitcoin ETFs are on a roll, folks! They've hit a new record with over 850,000 BTC in custody, surpassing the previous high from April. Grayscale's GBTC is the kingpin holding over $20 billion in BTC, with BlackRock's IBIT close behind. Even the smallest player, Hashdex Bitcoin ETF, is sitting pretty with $12 million. 💰💪 🔄📈 The tide is turning! After weeks of zero inflows, these ETFs are now on an 8-day streak of net inflows, gobbling up over 24,500 BTC. Talk about a 180-degree turn! 🔄🔄 🏛️🎯 In other news, the crypto industry just scored a major policy win in the U.S. The House of Representatives approved a bill to regulate digital assets markets. This is a first for a major crypto bill! 🎉🎉 🔮💡 And the cherry on top? Bulls are expecting a spot ether ETF to be approved this week in the U.S. with approval odds jumping from 25% to over 75%! 🚀🚀 What's your take on these developments? Let's discuss in the comments! #DeFi #Web3 #CryptoNews 🚀🔥🎉
🚀🔥🎉 U.S. Bitcoin ETFs are on a roll, folks! They've hit a new record with over 850,000 BTC in custody, surpassing the previous high from April. Grayscale's GBTC is the kingpin holding over $20 billion in BTC, with BlackRock's IBIT close behind. Even the smallest player, Hashdex Bitcoin ETF, is sitting pretty with $12 million. 💰💪

🔄📈 The tide is turning! After weeks of zero inflows, these ETFs are now on an 8-day streak of net inflows, gobbling up over 24,500 BTC. Talk about a 180-degree turn! 🔄🔄

🏛️🎯 In other news, the crypto industry just scored a major policy win in the U.S. The House of Representatives approved a bill to regulate digital assets markets. This is a first for a major crypto bill! 🎉🎉

🔮💡 And the cherry on top? Bulls are expecting a spot ether ETF to be approved this week in the U.S. with approval odds jumping from 25% to over 75%! 🚀🚀

What's your take on these developments? Let's discuss in the comments! #DeFi #Web3 #CryptoNews 🚀🔥🎉
🚀 Ether's uptrend is as strong as a bull on steroids, folks! It's like May 2021 all over again. 🎉 Resistance? Pfft, it's at $4,090 but we're not scared. 🔮 Remember the phrase "don't catch the falling knife?" Well, the ether market is the opposite right now. It's like trying to catch a rocket. 🚀 📈 A week ago, we hinted at a possible bounce off a bullish trendline. Now, ETH has surged 18% to $3,800. That's not a bounce, that's a leap! 🔥 The momentum indicator, our trusty crystal ball, jumped to $880, the highest since May 2021. Translation: The bull is strong. Any bears out there better watch out! 🐻 📊 The 14-day RSI is over 70, signaling strong upward momentum. The 14-week RSI is also closing in on 70, a level that has marked previous parabolic bull runs. 💰 Immediate resistance is at $4,090, but Lyra traders are betting on a rally to $5,000 by the end of Q2. What's your take? Are we riding the bull or playing with the bear? Comment below! 🐂🐻 #DeFi #Web3 #ETH
🚀 Ether's uptrend is as strong as a bull on steroids, folks! It's like May 2021 all over again. 🎉 Resistance? Pfft, it's at $4,090 but we're not scared.

🔮 Remember the phrase "don't catch the falling knife?" Well, the ether market is the opposite right now. It's like trying to catch a rocket. 🚀

📈 A week ago, we hinted at a possible bounce off a bullish trendline. Now, ETH has surged 18% to $3,800. That's not a bounce, that's a leap!

🔥 The momentum indicator, our trusty crystal ball, jumped to $880, the highest since May 2021. Translation: The bull is strong. Any bears out there better watch out! 🐻

📊 The 14-day RSI is over 70, signaling strong upward momentum. The 14-week RSI is also closing in on 70, a level that has marked previous parabolic bull runs.

💰 Immediate resistance is at $4,090, but Lyra traders are betting on a rally to $5,000 by the end of Q2.

What's your take? Are we riding the bull or playing with the bear? Comment below! 🐂🐻 #DeFi #Web3 #ETH
🔮Crypto Crystal Ball Alert🔮: BTC & ETH playing it cool, chilling around $69,500 & $3,700 respectively, as they await the SEC's decision on VanEck's ether ETF application. Analysts are feeling bullish, with a 90% probability of approval. 🚀 📊Market indicators are flashing green, with both cryptos holding strong above their Ichimoku cloud lines. Derivatives exchange Deribit reveals a bias for calls, hinting at a bullish outlook. 📈 🔔SEC approval could broaden the demand for cryptos. Grayscale Ethereum Trust's discount has shrunk from 30% to 8%, hinting at a high probability of ETF approval. Keep your eyes peeled! 👀 🏛️Meanwhile, the U.S. House of Representatives passed the FIT21 Act, which could redefine cryptos as commodities or securities. The bill's fate in the Senate remains uncertain. 🤷‍♂️ 💰In other news, Nvidia's record high could signal a positive trend for AI-related cryptos. So, what's your take on these developments? Let's discuss in the comments! #DeFi #Web3 #CryptoNews 🚀🌕 P.S. This post is not financial advice. Always DYOR! 😉
🔮Crypto Crystal Ball Alert🔮: BTC & ETH playing it cool, chilling around $69,500 & $3,700 respectively, as they await the SEC's decision on VanEck's ether ETF application. Analysts are feeling bullish, with a 90% probability of approval. 🚀

📊Market indicators are flashing green, with both cryptos holding strong above their Ichimoku cloud lines. Derivatives exchange Deribit reveals a bias for calls, hinting at a bullish outlook. 📈

🔔SEC approval could broaden the demand for cryptos. Grayscale Ethereum Trust's discount has shrunk from 30% to 8%, hinting at a high probability of ETF approval. Keep your eyes peeled! 👀

🏛️Meanwhile, the U.S. House of Representatives passed the FIT21 Act, which could redefine cryptos as commodities or securities. The bill's fate in the Senate remains uncertain. 🤷‍♂️

💰In other news, Nvidia's record high could signal a positive trend for AI-related cryptos. So, what's your take on these developments? Let's discuss in the comments! #DeFi #Web3 #CryptoNews 🚀🌕

P.S. This post is not financial advice. Always DYOR! 😉
🎉🚀BlackRock, Grayscale, Bitwise are playing "Dodge the SEC" by amending their ETF proposals to remove staking provisions. Why? Staking is seen as passive income, and we all know how regulators feel about that! 🙄 💡Staking is like locking your crypto in a digital vault and getting paid for it. But these big players are saying "Nope, not for us!" to avoid any regulatory speed bumps. 🚧 📈Meanwhile, market analysts are feeling bullish, predicting a 75% chance of approval for these Ether ETFs. This news sent Ether soaring over 17% and Bitcoin reclaiming the $71,000 mark. 🎢 🔮So, what's your take? Are these amendments a smart move or just a desperate attempt to appease the SEC? Let's discuss in the comments! #DeFi #Web3 #CryptoNews P.S. Remember, the SEC might seem scary, but they're just trying to keep us safe... or so they say. 😉👮‍♂️
🎉🚀BlackRock, Grayscale, Bitwise are playing "Dodge the SEC" by amending their ETF proposals to remove staking provisions. Why? Staking is seen as passive income, and we all know how regulators feel about that! 🙄

💡Staking is like locking your crypto in a digital vault and getting paid for it. But these big players are saying "Nope, not for us!" to avoid any regulatory speed bumps. 🚧

📈Meanwhile, market analysts are feeling bullish, predicting a 75% chance of approval for these Ether ETFs. This news sent Ether soaring over 17% and Bitcoin reclaiming the $71,000 mark. 🎢

🔮So, what's your take? Are these amendments a smart move or just a desperate attempt to appease the SEC? Let's discuss in the comments! #DeFi #Web3 #CryptoNews

P.S. Remember, the SEC might seem scary, but they're just trying to keep us safe... or so they say. 😉👮‍♂️
"Sam Bankman-Fried, crypto fraudster extraordinaire, is getting a change of scenery! 🌴 Likely off to a California prison, he's working on an appeal to overturn his charges. The exact location? Top secret. 🕵️‍♂️ The judge wanted him in NY for easy lawyer access, but the transfer process is slow. So, he might be stuck in the Big Apple for a while. 🍎 Remember when his FTX exchange was the world's 3rd largest? Yeah, it went bust after some shaky financial footing. 💸 What's your take on this? Drop your thoughts in the comments! #DeFi #CryptoDrama"
"Sam Bankman-Fried, crypto fraudster extraordinaire, is getting a change of scenery! 🌴 Likely off to a California prison, he's working on an appeal to overturn his charges. The exact location? Top secret. 🕵️‍♂️

The judge wanted him in NY for easy lawyer access, but the transfer process is slow. So, he might be stuck in the Big Apple for a while. 🍎

Remember when his FTX exchange was the world's 3rd largest? Yeah, it went bust after some shaky financial footing. 💸

What's your take on this? Drop your thoughts in the comments! #DeFi #CryptoDrama"
🎉Big news, #CryptoTwitter! The U.S. House of Representatives just passed the FIT21 Act, a major milestone for the digital asset industry. Finally, some clarity in the wild west of crypto regulation! 🤠 For too long, the U.S. has been like a bad GPS for crypto, giving conflicting directions and causing expensive legal detours. But FIT21 is like a new, updated map, guiding us towards a more vibrant, homegrown crypto landscape. 🗺️ Sure, FIT21 isn't perfect (what is?), but it's a step in the right direction. It acknowledges the promise of crypto and blockchain, aiming to balance innovation and consumer protection. Kudos to the House Financial Services Committee and House Agriculture Committee for spearheading this! 👏 The House vote also shows crypto's growing political clout. With the repeal of the SEC's misguided SAB121 and growing public support for crypto-friendly politicians, it's clear that crypto is becoming a key issue in U.S. politics. 🗳️ As FIT21 moves to the Senate, we'll keep advocating for smart policies that foster innovation and protect consumers. Here's to maintaining crypto's political momentum! 🥂 What are your thoughts on FIT21? Let's discuss in the comments! #DeFi #Web3
🎉Big news, #CryptoTwitter! The U.S. House of Representatives just passed the FIT21 Act, a major milestone for the digital asset industry. Finally, some clarity in the wild west of crypto regulation! 🤠

For too long, the U.S. has been like a bad GPS for crypto, giving conflicting directions and causing expensive legal detours. But FIT21 is like a new, updated map, guiding us towards a more vibrant, homegrown crypto landscape. 🗺️

Sure, FIT21 isn't perfect (what is?), but it's a step in the right direction. It acknowledges the promise of crypto and blockchain, aiming to balance innovation and consumer protection. Kudos to the House Financial Services Committee and House Agriculture Committee for spearheading this! 👏

The House vote also shows crypto's growing political clout. With the repeal of the SEC's misguided SAB121 and growing public support for crypto-friendly politicians, it's clear that crypto is becoming a key issue in U.S. politics. 🗳️

As FIT21 moves to the Senate, we'll keep advocating for smart policies that foster innovation and protect consumers. Here's to maintaining crypto's political momentum! 🥂

What are your thoughts on FIT21? Let's discuss in the comments! #DeFi #Web3
🚀🎉Buckle up, crypto enthusiasts! The U.S. House has voted 279-136 to approve the Financial Innovation and Technology for the 21st Century Act (FIT21). A big win for the crypto industry, marking its most significant legislative accomplishment in Congress.👏 🔍FIT21 is the first major crypto bill to clear one of the chambers of Congress. It aims to establish regulations for digital asset markets. However, the road to the U.S. Senate is a bit foggy as there's no counterpart bill. But hey, let's stay optimistic!🌈 😅The U.S. has been a bit of a slowpoke in establishing crypto regulations compared to other global jurisdictions. But this win is a step in the right direction. Rep. Josh Gottheimer (D-N.J.) said, "We need rules of the road," and we couldn't agree more! 👀Despite some opposition, including from President Joe Biden and SEC Chair Gary Gensler, the bill was largely supported by House Republicans. It aims to regulate U.S. crypto markets, set consumer protections, and define what makes a crypto token a security or a commodity. 💬What do you think about this development? Let's discuss in the comments! #CryptoNews #FIT21 #DeFi #Web3
🚀🎉Buckle up, crypto enthusiasts! The U.S. House has voted 279-136 to approve the Financial Innovation and Technology for the 21st Century Act (FIT21). A big win for the crypto industry, marking its most significant legislative accomplishment in Congress.👏

🔍FIT21 is the first major crypto bill to clear one of the chambers of Congress. It aims to establish regulations for digital asset markets. However, the road to the U.S. Senate is a bit foggy as there's no counterpart bill. But hey, let's stay optimistic!🌈

😅The U.S. has been a bit of a slowpoke in establishing crypto regulations compared to other global jurisdictions. But this win is a step in the right direction. Rep. Josh Gottheimer (D-N.J.) said, "We need rules of the road," and we couldn't agree more!

👀Despite some opposition, including from President Joe Biden and SEC Chair Gary Gensler, the bill was largely supported by House Republicans. It aims to regulate U.S. crypto markets, set consumer protections, and define what makes a crypto token a security or a commodity.

💬What do you think about this development? Let's discuss in the comments! #CryptoNews #FIT21 #DeFi #Web3
📚 "Plurality" is the new buzzword in town! 🎉 Coined by Microsoft's Glen Weyl and Taiwan's former Digital Affairs Minister Audrey Tang, it's all about embracing tech that fosters collaboration and diversity of viewpoints. 🌈 They're looking at you, blockchain! 🧐 The duo's new book is a call to arms for societies to cherish diverse perspectives and use tech to bring us together. 🤝 Tang, who recently stepped down from her role, is now on a world tour to spread the word about Plurality and Taiwan's digital experiments. 🌍 So, what's the big deal about Plurality? It's not just about advocating for diversity and healthy debate. It's about tangible experience in running large-scale, open-source, public digital infrastructure projects. 🏗️ The dream? Get the whole world on board this system, advancing democracy and open-source innovation simultaneously. 🚀 The book itself is a working example of Plurality, written collaboratively and freely available to all. 📖 So, what do you think? Is Plurality the future of political philosophy? Is blockchain the key to fostering collaboration and diversity? Let's discuss in the comments! 👇 #Plurality #Blockchain #OpenSource #Democracy P.S. If this post isn't about DeFi or Web 3, feel free to reply with "This post is not relevant." 😉
📚 "Plurality" is the new buzzword in town! 🎉 Coined by Microsoft's Glen Weyl and Taiwan's former Digital Affairs Minister Audrey Tang, it's all about embracing tech that fosters collaboration and diversity of viewpoints. 🌈 They're looking at you, blockchain! 🧐

The duo's new book is a call to arms for societies to cherish diverse perspectives and use tech to bring us together. 🤝 Tang, who recently stepped down from her role, is now on a world tour to spread the word about Plurality and Taiwan's digital experiments. 🌍

So, what's the big deal about Plurality? It's not just about advocating for diversity and healthy debate. It's about tangible experience in running large-scale, open-source, public digital infrastructure projects. 🏗️

The dream? Get the whole world on board this system, advancing democracy and open-source innovation simultaneously. 🚀 The book itself is a working example of Plurality, written collaboratively and freely available to all. 📖

So, what do you think? Is Plurality the future of political philosophy? Is blockchain the key to fostering collaboration and diversity? Let's discuss in the comments! 👇 #Plurality #Blockchain #OpenSource #Democracy

P.S. If this post isn't about DeFi or Web 3, feel free to reply with "This post is not relevant." 😉
📣🚀AI-focused cryptos are defying gravity while the rest of the market snoozes!'s FET, Render's RNDR, Bittensor's TAO, and SingularityNET's AGIX are all up 4%-5% in the last 24 hours, according to CoinGecko. Even AIOZ Network's token (AIOZ) leapt 7% after Nvidia listed the project in their Accelerated Applications Catalog.🔥 Meanwhile, Near Protocol's native token (NEAR) - which got some buzz after its co-founder spoke at an Nvidia conference - saw a 2% gain, outperforming the CoinDesk 20, which fell 0.6%. Bitcoin and Ether also saw modest declines.📉 The market's been on a rollercoaster ride after a rally fueled by positive regulatory developments in the U.S. and falling bond yields. But Nvidia's shares are down 1.5% ahead of its earnings report. Yet, experts predict a beat on expectations.🤞 What's your take on this? Are AI cryptos the next big thing or just a flash in the pan? Share your thoughts below!👇 #DeFi #Web3 #CryptoNews
📣🚀AI-focused cryptos are defying gravity while the rest of the market snoozes!'s FET, Render's RNDR, Bittensor's TAO, and SingularityNET's AGIX are all up 4%-5% in the last 24 hours, according to CoinGecko. Even AIOZ Network's token (AIOZ) leapt 7% after Nvidia listed the project in their Accelerated Applications Catalog.🔥

Meanwhile, Near Protocol's native token (NEAR) - which got some buzz after its co-founder spoke at an Nvidia conference - saw a 2% gain, outperforming the CoinDesk 20, which fell 0.6%. Bitcoin and Ether also saw modest declines.📉

The market's been on a rollercoaster ride after a rally fueled by positive regulatory developments in the U.S. and falling bond yields. But Nvidia's shares are down 1.5% ahead of its earnings report. Yet, experts predict a beat on expectations.🤞

What's your take on this? Are AI cryptos the next big thing or just a flash in the pan? Share your thoughts below!👇 #DeFi #Web3 #CryptoNews
🎉🎉Breaking News: SEC Chair Gary Gensler is playing hardball with crypto, insisting he doesn't need new laws to regulate it. Meanwhile, the White House is like, "Let's hash out some new policies, shall we?" 🤷‍♂️ Gensler's adamant stance is causing quite the stir, especially as he's accused crypto firms of playing fast and loose with existing laws for over a decade. He's like the strict parent who's had enough of the kids' antics! 😂 But hold on, there's more! The Commodity Futures and Trading Commission (CFTC) is all for new legislation, saying there's a gaping hole in the oversight of non-securities like Bitcoin. 🕳️ So, who's right? Who's wrong? Is Gensler just a grumpy old man or is the White House too eager to jump on the crypto bandwagon? Let's hear your thoughts in the comments! 👇 P.S. No matter what, it seems like crypto is here to stay. So, buckle up and enjoy the ride! 🚀 #DeFi #Web3
🎉🎉Breaking News: SEC Chair Gary Gensler is playing hardball with crypto, insisting he doesn't need new laws to regulate it. Meanwhile, the White House is like, "Let's hash out some new policies, shall we?" 🤷‍♂️

Gensler's adamant stance is causing quite the stir, especially as he's accused crypto firms of playing fast and loose with existing laws for over a decade. He's like the strict parent who's had enough of the kids' antics! 😂

But hold on, there's more! The Commodity Futures and Trading Commission (CFTC) is all for new legislation, saying there's a gaping hole in the oversight of non-securities like Bitcoin. 🕳️

So, who's right? Who's wrong? Is Gensler just a grumpy old man or is the White House too eager to jump on the crypto bandwagon? Let's hear your thoughts in the comments! 👇

P.S. No matter what, it seems like crypto is here to stay. So, buckle up and enjoy the ride! 🚀 #DeFi #Web3
🚀🇺🇸 The U.S. House is ready to vote on a crypto bill, FIT21, for the first time! This could reshape the digital asset regulatory landscape, giving the CFTC more authority over digital assets and setting new jurisdictional lines for the SEC. 🎉 🧐But wait, there's more! Crypto companies could get a framework to determine if their assets are securities. This could help them identify their primary regulator. Rep. McHenry is hoping for a substantial vote in favor, showing momentum for digital asset legislation. 📜 😅However, not everyone's on board. Rep. Waters dubbed the bill "not fit for purpose act" and likened it to the CFMA, which she claimed deregulated certain derivatives products leading to economic collapse. 😬 🗣️So, what do you think? Is FIT21 a step forward or a step back? Let's discuss in the comments! 👇 #DeFi #Web3 #CryptoBill Remember, this is all in good fun and not financial advice. Always do your own research! 🧠🔍
🚀🇺🇸 The U.S. House is ready to vote on a crypto bill, FIT21, for the first time! This could reshape the digital asset regulatory landscape, giving the CFTC more authority over digital assets and setting new jurisdictional lines for the SEC. 🎉

🧐But wait, there's more! Crypto companies could get a framework to determine if their assets are securities. This could help them identify their primary regulator. Rep. McHenry is hoping for a substantial vote in favor, showing momentum for digital asset legislation. 📜

😅However, not everyone's on board. Rep. Waters dubbed the bill "not fit for purpose act" and likened it to the CFMA, which she claimed deregulated certain derivatives products leading to economic collapse. 😬

🗣️So, what do you think? Is FIT21 a step forward or a step back? Let's discuss in the comments! 👇 #DeFi #Web3 #CryptoBill

Remember, this is all in good fun and not financial advice. Always do your own research! 🧠🔍
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