Buy low and sell high. Simple motto to remember: be patient.
Crypto Psychic
Dec 6, 2024
**The Best Revenge is No Revenge – Move On and Be Happy** ✨
This applies to life and crypto alike 🌟 Revenge trading, driven by emotions, is the fastest way to lose your entire margin 💸 Instead of chasing losses, step back 🌬️ breathe 🧘 and refocus 🎯 The market rewards patience, not impulsive reactions 🚀 Let go of losses ✋ learn from mistakes 📚 and move forward with a calm and clear strategy 🛤️ Stay disciplined and watch success follow 🏆
This request for a declaration of assets is too intrusive.
Binance Announcement
Dec 4, 2024
Check out your#2024withBinancerecap!
Dear Binancian, As we enter the final month of 2024, we take this opportunity to reflect on a year of remarkable growth in the crypto world. Every trade and interaction has played a crucial role in the evolution of Binance and the broader ecosystem. To honor your journey and the vital role you have played, we present to you the[ ](about:blank) [bilan de l’année 2024](https://app.%suffixOrigin%/%locale%/year-in-review/2024-with-binance?utm_source=anns&_dp=L3dlYnZpZXcvd2Vidmlldz90eXBlPWRlZmF1bHQmbmVlZER5bmFtaWM9dHJ1ZSZ1cmw9YUhSMGNITTZMeTkzZDNjdVltbHVZVzVqWlM1amIyMHZlMnhoYm1kOUwzbGxZWEl0YVc0dGNtVjJhV1YzTHpJd01qUXRkMmwwYUMxaWFXNWhibU5sUDNWMGJWOXpiM1Z5WTJVOVlXNXVjdw). [Découvrez dès maintenant votre récapitulatif de l’année #2024withBinance](https://app.%suffixOrigin%/%locale%/year-in-review/2024-with-binance?utm_source=anns&_dp=L3dlYnZpZXcvd2Vidmlldz90eXBlPWRlZmF1bHQmbmVlZER5bmFtaWM9dHJ1ZSZ1cmw9YUhSMGNITTZMeTkzZDNjdVltbHVZVzVqWlM1amIyMHZlMnhoYm1kOUwzbGxZWEl0YVc0dGNtVjJhV1YzTHpJd01qUXRkMmwwYUMxaWFXNWhibU5sUDNWMGJWOXpiM1Z5WTJVOVlXNXVjdw)
Hello. You should work on a better presentation of regulatory requirements by developing the declaration of assets according to the amounts invested. .
Binance Announcement
Dec 4, 2024
Check out your#2024withBinancerecap!
Dear Binancian, As we enter the final month of 2024, we take this opportunity to reflect on a year of remarkable growth in the crypto world. Every trade and interaction has played a crucial role in the evolution of Binance and the broader ecosystem. To honor your journey and the vital role you have played, we present to you the[ ](about:blank) [bilan de l’année 2024](https://app.%suffixOrigin%/%locale%/year-in-review/2024-with-binance?utm_source=anns&_dp=L3dlYnZpZXcvd2Vidmlldz90eXBlPWRlZmF1bHQmbmVlZER5bmFtaWM9dHJ1ZSZ1cmw9YUhSMGNITTZMeTkzZDNjdVltbHVZVzVqWlM1amIyMHZlMnhoYm1kOUwzbGxZWEl0YVc0dGNtVjJhV1YzTHpJd01qUXRkMmwwYUMxaWFXNWhibU5sUDNWMGJWOXpiM1Z5WTJVOVlXNXVjdw). [Découvrez dès maintenant votre récapitulatif de l’année #2024withBinance](https://app.%suffixOrigin%/%locale%/year-in-review/2024-with-binance?utm_source=anns&_dp=L3dlYnZpZXcvd2Vidmlldz90eXBlPWRlZmF1bHQmbmVlZER5bmFtaWM9dHJ1ZSZ1cmw9YUhSMGNITTZMeTkzZDNjdVltbHVZVzVqWlM1amIyMHZlMnhoYm1kOUwzbGxZWEl0YVc0dGNtVjJhV1YzTHpJd01qUXRkMmwwYUMxaWFXNWhibU5sUDNWMGJWOXpiM1Z5WTJVOVlXNXVjdw)