$PI Look at the chart PI down to 0.66$ from 2.2$. I hope if you sold your mined PI above 1.5$ to 2$ range. PI Network will never recover due to their total supply of 100 billion PI.
PI Network mining was launched in March 2019, they came up with listing after 6 years. The big issue was PI network deliberately didn't provide slots to users who has bigger amount of PI for KYC, which was neccessary for migration to PI mainnet. PI Network only approving KYC to those user who has less than 300 PI in mining for migration to mainnet. Look like the team allocation dump on the retails by using hype of Pi only. In future PI token will add one zero and it will fell more because of their PI inflation.
Let me tell you the bitter truth..most gaming or meme coins when listed..they do have maximum of $1billion market cap most times...so since hamster token have 100billion total supply.. a listing price of $0.01 multiplied by 100billion hamster token will give the $1billion market cap...expect the listing price to be between $0.01 - $0.012...or less..except if magic happens and the market cap wants to be $10billion and that is unrealistic though...
Many people will be disappointed at the end of the day while some will just take whatever they see and not feel bad about it
Just collect whatever you see..it is still free money no matter how small it is or not..some are saying what about their data they used since it started..the question is , the same data you will still use it to watch tiktok videos or watch YouTube videos and so on and you did not collect a dime from it..so the airdrop thing is still better. ..though the issue here is that many people had very higher expectations concerning this hamster of a thing most especially those who are not in the crypto business for now..
Why do I you sell your #DOGS This reminds me In 2010, programmer Laszlo Hanyecz famously bought two pizzas for 10,000 Bitcoins, now worth billions. Patience pays