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Telegram Founder Pavel Durov Arrested in France Telegram founder Pavel Durov was arrested when his private plane landed near Paris a few days ago, according to PANews. Durov, who is of Russian descent, has nearly a billion active users on his messaging platform. The Russian government has requested his extradition, citing the misuse of Telegram for illegal activities such as terrorist propaganda and the dissemination of child pornography. Despite these allegations, many consider Durov a hero. He founded VK, Russia's largest social network, at the age of 21 but lost control of the company after refusing to cooperate with the Russian government. This experience led him to create Telegram, which is designed to avoid cooperation with authoritarian regimes and facilitate cross-border communication. Durov becomes a French citizen, The French government recently filed 12 charges against Durov. These charges have fueled a narrative that he is guilty. However, Durov has long been an opponent of authoritarian governments, and his current predicament may be politically motivated. Russia’s extradition request could serve multiple purposes: to embarrass Western enemies, damage Durov’s reputation, and potentially gain control of Telegram. {spot}(TONUSDT) {spot}(NOTUSDT) {spot}(DOGSUSDT) The situation underscores a broader assault on Western liberal values. The coming days are critical as those values ​​face unprecedented challenges. The outcome of the Durov case could have important implications for free speech and the fight against authoritarianism.
Telegram Founder Pavel Durov Arrested in France

Telegram founder Pavel Durov was arrested when his private plane landed near Paris a few days ago, according to PANews. Durov, who is of Russian descent, has nearly a billion active users on his messaging platform. The Russian government has requested his extradition, citing the misuse of Telegram for illegal activities such as terrorist propaganda and the dissemination of child pornography.

Despite these allegations, many consider Durov a hero. He founded VK, Russia's largest social network, at the age of 21 but lost control of the company after refusing to cooperate with the Russian government. This experience led him to create Telegram, which is designed to avoid cooperation with authoritarian regimes and facilitate cross-border communication.

Durov becomes a French citizen,
The French government recently filed 12 charges against Durov. These charges have fueled a narrative that he is guilty. However, Durov has long been an opponent of authoritarian governments, and his current predicament may be politically motivated. Russia’s extradition request could serve multiple purposes: to embarrass Western enemies, damage Durov’s reputation, and potentially gain control of Telegram.
The situation underscores a broader assault on Western liberal values. The coming days are critical as those values ​​face unprecedented challenges. The outcome of the Durov case could have important implications for free speech and the fight against authoritarianism.
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Ondo Finance's USDY Stablecoin Launches on Arbitrum {spot}(BTCUSDT) {spot}(ETHUSDT) {spot}(BNBUSDT) Ondo Finance's USDY stablecoin has launched on Arbitrum, expanding its DeFi offerings and securing $3.16 million in funding from the Arbitrum DAO to support RWA integration. According to BlockBeats, on August 28, RWA protocol Ondo Finance announced that its USDY stablecoin has launched on Arbitrum. The development marks a major step forward in Ondo Finance's expansion of services in the decentralized finance (DeFi) ecosystem. In addition to the launch, the Arbitrum STEP committee decided to allocate 6 million ARB tokens, worth approximately $3.16 million, from the Arbitrum DAO treasury to support the development of Ondo's USDY. This allocation is intended to promote the development and integration of real-world assets (RWA) on the Arbitrum network, thereby further enhancing the network's DeFi capabilities.
Ondo Finance's USDY Stablecoin Launches on Arbitrum

Ondo Finance's USDY stablecoin has launched on Arbitrum, expanding its DeFi offerings and securing $3.16 million in funding from the Arbitrum DAO to support RWA integration.
According to BlockBeats, on August 28, RWA protocol Ondo Finance announced that its USDY stablecoin has launched on Arbitrum. The development marks a major step forward in Ondo Finance's expansion of services in the decentralized finance (DeFi) ecosystem.
In addition to the launch, the Arbitrum STEP committee decided to allocate 6 million ARB tokens, worth approximately $3.16 million, from the Arbitrum DAO treasury to support the development of Ondo's USDY. This allocation is intended to promote the development and integration of real-world assets (RWA) on the Arbitrum network, thereby further enhancing the network's DeFi capabilities.
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WEFI OFFICIAL 👉 WeFi is a coin in the NeoBank banking ecosystem, with a total supply of 1B, mined for 8 years with ITO miners 👉 The PROJECT's Founder Team consists of more than 40 veteran, famous, and prestigious experts in the fields of Blockchain, crypto, FINTECH and banking such as: 💎 Agne Linge - Former CEO of Binance 💎 Reeve Collins - Former Founder, Founder of USDT Coin 💎 Farkhad - Former CEO, Founder of Velas Chain Network, Qtum, Laika ... 💎 Maksym- Founder of ExFlow (tech genius, crypto) 💎 - Rossov - Former Ceo, Founder of Wise Money Transfer Tool ... 👉#Invest#Wefi#WeChain#ITO#WSDT#Neobank ⚡🔥 Detailed information is updated at 💨 Website: Invitation code: Zalo Support 📲 O989 746 249 💥 Youtube 70 minutes in detail 👇 ⚡🔥 Instructions for Registering a WeFi Account with Metamak Wallet 🎁 - Open Metamask Wallet - Select Binance Smart Network Chain - Click on the diamond box at the bottom of the screen next to settings - Go to the Metamask Wallet homepage, copy and paste the invitation code link👇 - then agree and link the wallet - Fill in Gmail - First name: THI VAN AN (Example) - Last name: NGUYEN (Example) - Username: set yourself - Click Let Go . Click Done to complete {spot}(BTCUSDT) {spot}(ETHUSDT) {spot}(BNBUSDT) 🙏 Wish everyone a successful registration!

👉 WeFi is a coin in the NeoBank banking ecosystem, with a total supply of 1B, mined for 8 years with ITO miners
👉 The PROJECT's Founder Team consists of more than 40 veteran, famous, and prestigious experts in the fields of Blockchain, crypto, FINTECH and banking such as:
💎 Agne Linge - Former CEO of Binance
💎 Reeve Collins - Former Founder, Founder of USDT Coin
💎 Farkhad - Former CEO, Founder of Velas Chain Network, Qtum, Laika ...
💎 Maksym- Founder of ExFlow (tech genius, crypto)
💎 - Rossov - Former Ceo, Founder of Wise Money Transfer Tool
Detailed information is updated at
💨 Website:
Invitation code:
Zalo Support 📲 O989 746 249

💥 Youtube 70 minutes in detail 👇
Instructions for Registering a WeFi Account with Metamak Wallet
- Open Metamask Wallet
- Select Binance Smart Network Chain
- Click on the diamond box at the bottom of the screen next to settings
- Go to the Metamask Wallet homepage, copy and paste the invitation code link👇
- then agree and link the wallet
- Fill in Gmail
- First name: THI VAN AN (Example)
- Last name: NGUYEN (Example)
- Username: set yourself
- Click Let Go . Click Done to complete
🙏 Wish everyone a successful registration!
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I have only been playing crypto for 2 years, starting from scratch but I have learned day and night, from I calculated a problem like this, what do you think: According to everyone, when the peak of this Halving cycle is about 12-15 months from now, with what Wefi has, is the probability of a capitalization of 1 billion - 2 billion USD high? The ability of Reeve Collins, the owner of USDT, has reached a capitalization of 120 billion USD, can it help Wefi reach a capitalization of 1 billion - 2 billion USD after 12-15 months??? So let's do this problem: each month, we can only mine 20,700,000 Wefi, rounded to 21 million for easy calculation...x 12 months = 252 million available Wefi...if the capitalization is 1 billion - 2 billion USD, the price of Wefi will be 4$ - 8$ guys calculate for yourself, after 12 months, how much Wefi can be mined with 5,000 ITO? Just calculate for fun, 12 months to mine 20,000 wefi x 4$ = 80,000 $ (capital 750$ ) also x more than 100 times... and continue to mine for 7 more years... oh... great opportunity for you guys right now! I'm only talking about Reeve Collins - the legend who created the Dollar: USDT (Tether) (you guys think later, is Collins's name equal to Satoshi (BTC) or Vitalik (ETH)? 👉 Not to mention the Founder of Wefi, there is also Agne Linge - 1 of the first 100 people with a master's degree in block chain in the world, is one of the first CEOs to lay the foundation for the Binance empire today, she has made great contributions to Crypto, the block chain platform has both BTC & ETH, BNB ... (her name is not inferior to CZ) There is also the Owner of Velax Network, Farkhad (top 5 influential people in Crypto) and Rossov, founder of Wise money transfer tool, along with CEOs of Swiss and European banks... And the above problem, with the trader's mindset, what do you think, is the probability of that fate high? Invite Link 👇 {spot}(BTCUSDT) {spot}(ETHUSDT) {spot}(BNBUSDT)
I have only been playing crypto for 2 years, starting from scratch
but I have learned day and night, from
I calculated a problem like this, what do you think:
According to everyone, when the peak of this Halving cycle is about 12-15 months from now, with what Wefi has, is the probability of a capitalization of 1 billion - 2 billion USD high? The ability of Reeve Collins, the owner of USDT, has reached a capitalization of 120 billion USD, can it help Wefi reach a capitalization of 1 billion - 2 billion USD after 12-15 months???
So let's do this problem: each month, we can only mine 20,700,000 Wefi, rounded to 21 million for easy calculation...x 12 months = 252 million available Wefi...if the capitalization is 1 billion - 2 billion USD, the price of Wefi will be 4$ - 8$ guys calculate for yourself, after 12 months, how much Wefi can be mined with 5,000 ITO? Just calculate for fun, 12 months to mine 20,000 wefi x 4$ = 80,000 $ (capital 750$ ) also x more than 100 times... and continue to mine for 7 more years... oh... great opportunity for you guys right now!

I'm only talking about Reeve Collins - the legend who created the Dollar: USDT (Tether) (you guys think later, is Collins's name equal to Satoshi (BTC) or Vitalik (ETH)?
👉 Not to mention the Founder of Wefi, there is also Agne Linge - 1 of the first 100 people with a master's degree in block chain in the world, is one of the first CEOs to lay the foundation for the Binance empire today, she has made great contributions to Crypto, the block chain platform has both BTC & ETH, BNB ... (her name is not inferior to CZ)

There is also the Owner of Velax Network, Farkhad (top 5 influential people in Crypto) and Rossov, founder of Wise money transfer tool, along with CEOs of Swiss and European banks...

And the above problem, with the trader's mindset, what do you think, is the probability of that fate high?

Invite Link 👇
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WEFI information I just collected ✅ - Bitpanda is a European exchange - Wise is a cross-border payment The development team is coincidentally at Wefi Official ⚡ 👉 WeFi is a coin in the NeoBank banking ecosystem, with a total supply of 1B, mined for 8 years with ITO miners 👉 The PROJECT Founder Team has more than 40 veteran, famous, and prestigious experts in the fields of Blockchain, crypto, FINTECH and banking such as: 💎 Agne Linge - Former CEO of Binance 💎 Reeve Collins - Former Founder, Founder of USDT Coin 💎 Farkhad - Former CEO, Founder of Velas Chain Network, Qtum, Laika ... 💎 Maksym- Founder of ExFlow (a technology talent, crypto) 💎 - Rossov - Former CEO, Founder of Wise remittance tool ... 👉#Invest#Wefi#WeChain#ITO#WSDT#Neobank ⚡🔥 Detailed information is updated at 💨 Website: Invitation code: 💥 Youtube 70 minutes in detail 👇 ⚡🔥 Instructions for Registering a WeFi Account with Metamak Wallet 🎁 - Open Metamask wallet - Select Binance Smart Chain network - Click on the diamond box at the bottom of the screen next to settings - Go to Metamask Wallet homepage, copy and paste the invitation code link👇 - then agree and link the wallet - Fill in Gmail - First name: THI VAN AN (Example) - Last name: NGUYEN (Example) - Username: set yourself - Click Let Go . Click Done to complete {spot}(BTCUSDT) {spot}(ETHUSDT) {spot}(BNBUSDT) 🙏 Wish everyone a successful registration!
WEFI information I just collected ✅
- Bitpanda is a European exchange
- Wise is a cross-border payment
The development team is coincidentally at Wefi Official

👉 WeFi is a coin in the NeoBank banking ecosystem, with a total supply of 1B, mined for 8 years with ITO miners
👉 The PROJECT Founder Team has more than 40 veteran, famous, and prestigious experts in the fields of Blockchain, crypto, FINTECH and banking such as:
💎 Agne Linge - Former CEO of Binance
💎 Reeve Collins - Former Founder, Founder of USDT Coin
💎 Farkhad - Former CEO, Founder of Velas Chain Network, Qtum, Laika ...
💎 Maksym- Founder of ExFlow (a technology talent, crypto)
💎 - Rossov - Former CEO, Founder of Wise remittance tool
Detailed information is updated at
💨 Website:
Invitation code:
💥 Youtube 70 minutes in detail 👇
Instructions for Registering a WeFi Account with Metamak Wallet
- Open Metamask wallet
- Select Binance Smart Chain network
- Click on the diamond box at the bottom of the screen next to settings
- Go to Metamask Wallet homepage, copy and paste the invitation code link👇
- then agree and link the wallet
- Fill in Gmail
- First name: THI VAN AN (Example)
- Last name: NGUYEN (Example)
- Username: set yourself
- Click Let Go . Click Done to complete
🙏 Wish everyone a successful registration!
WeFi Official {spot}(BTCUSDT) {spot}(ETHUSDT) {spot}(BNBUSDT) 👉 Currently, I have the opportunity to cooperate in developing a PROJECT that applies Blockchain technology to real life in the world's first banking and finance sector... helping to make things more secure, transparent and convenient. When we send money, receive money for others, shop, get discounts, cash back, issue cards for cashless payments like GooglePay, Apple Pay... convert from Crypto to fiat money (Fiat). country and payment like VISA, Master card when shopping, consuming... 👉 The Founder and leadership team of this PROJECT is a collection of 40 veteran experts - famous and reputable people in the fields of Blockchain, crypto, FINTECH and banking such as: 💎 Billionaire Reeve Collins - Founder of USDT 💎 Billionaire Farkhad - Founder Velas Chain, Qtum, Laika... 💎 Billionaire Maksym- Founder ExFlow 👉 Let me send you information. If you find this field interesting and suitable, we will discuss how to develop a sustainable passive income source with this PROJECT. #Invest #Wefi #WeChain #ITO #WSDT #Neobank cross-border money transfer and digital banking application ⚡🔥 Detailed information is updated at 💨 WEFI OFFICIAL PROJECT. Website: Invitation code: ⚡🔥 Instructions for Registering a WeFi Account with Metamak Wallet 🎁 - Open Metamask wallet - Select Binance Smart Chain network - Click on the diamond box at the bottom of the screen next to settings - Go to Metamask Wallet home page, copy and paste the invitation code link👇 - then agree and link the wallet - Fill in Gmail - Name: THI VAN AN (Example) - Last name: NGUYEN (Example) - Username: set yourself - Click Let Go. Click Done to complete 🙏 Wishing everyone a successful registration 👍
WeFi Official
👉 Currently, I have the opportunity to cooperate in developing a PROJECT that applies Blockchain technology to real life in the world's first banking and finance sector... helping to make things more secure, transparent and convenient. When we send money, receive money for others, shop, get discounts, cash back, issue cards for cashless payments like GooglePay, Apple Pay... convert from Crypto to fiat money (Fiat). country and payment like VISA, Master card when shopping, consuming...
👉 The Founder and leadership team of this PROJECT is a collection of 40 veteran experts - famous and reputable people in the fields of Blockchain, crypto, FINTECH and banking such as:
💎 Billionaire Reeve Collins - Founder of USDT
💎 Billionaire Farkhad - Founder Velas Chain, Qtum, Laika...
💎 Billionaire Maksym- Founder ExFlow
👉 Let me send you information. If you find this field interesting and suitable, we will discuss how to develop a sustainable passive income source with this PROJECT.
#Invest #Wefi #WeChain #ITO #WSDT
#Neobank cross-border money transfer and digital banking application
Detailed information is updated at
Invitation code:
Instructions for Registering a WeFi Account with Metamak Wallet
- Open Metamask wallet
- Select Binance Smart Chain network
- Click on the diamond box at the bottom of the screen next to settings
- Go to Metamask Wallet home page, copy and paste the invitation code link👇
- then agree and link the wallet
- Fill in Gmail
- Name: THI VAN AN (Example)
- Last name: NGUYEN (Example)
- Username: set yourself
- Click Let Go. Click Done to complete
🙏 Wishing everyone a successful registration
See original
WEFI OFFICIAL 👉Currently, I have the opportunity to cooperate in developing a PROJECT that applies Blockchain technology to the real life of the world's first banking and finance sector... helping to make it more secure, transparent and convenient when we send money, receive money for others, get discounts, cash back when shopping, issue cards for cashless payments like GooglePay, Apple Pay... convert from Crypto to fiat money (Fiat) of countries and pay like VISA, master cards when shopping, consuming... 👉The founder and leadership team of this PROJECT is a group of 40 veteran experts - famous and prestigious people in the fields of Blockchain, crypto, FINTECH and banking such as: 💎Billionaire Reeve Collins - Former Founder of USDT 💎Billionaire Farkhad - Former Founder of Velas Chain, Qtum, Laika... 💎Billionaire Maksym - Founder ExFlow 👉#Invest#Wefi#WeChain#ITO #WSDT Cross-border remittance and digital banking app #Neobank ⚡ 💨 WEFI OFFICIAL PROJECT. Website: Invitation code: Zalo Support 📲 O989 746 249 💥 Youtube 7 minutes overview 👇 💥 Youtube 70 minutes detail 👇 ⚡ Guide to Registering a WeFi Account with Metamak Wallet 🎁 - Open Metamask wallet - Select Binance Smart Chain network - Click on the diamond box at the bottom of the screen next to settings - Go to Metamask Wallet homepage, copy and paste the code link invite👇 - then agree and link wallet - Fill in Gmail - First name: THI VAN AN (Example) - Last name: NGUYEN (Example) - Username: set yourself - Click Let Go . Click Done to complete 🙏 Wish Ace successful registration {spot}(BNBUSDT) {spot}(BTCUSDT) {spot}(ETHUSDT)
👉Currently, I have the opportunity to cooperate in developing a PROJECT that applies Blockchain technology to the real life of the world's first banking and finance sector... helping to make it more secure, transparent and convenient when we send money, receive money for others, get discounts, cash back when shopping, issue cards for cashless payments like GooglePay, Apple Pay... convert from Crypto to fiat money (Fiat) of countries and pay like VISA, master cards when shopping, consuming...
👉The founder and leadership team of this PROJECT is a group of 40 veteran experts - famous and prestigious people in the fields of Blockchain, crypto, FINTECH and banking such as:
💎Billionaire Reeve Collins - Former Founder of USDT
💎Billionaire Farkhad - Former Founder of Velas Chain, Qtum, Laika...
💎Billionaire Maksym - Founder ExFlow
👉#Invest#Wefi#WeChain#ITO #WSDT
Cross-border remittance and digital banking app #Neobank

Invitation code:
Zalo Support 📲 O989 746 249
💥 Youtube 7 minutes overview 👇
💥 Youtube 70 minutes detail 👇

Guide to Registering a WeFi Account with Metamak Wallet
- Open Metamask wallet
- Select Binance Smart Chain network
- Click on the diamond box at the bottom of the screen next to settings
- Go to Metamask Wallet homepage, copy and paste the code link invite👇
- then agree and link wallet
- Fill in Gmail
- First name: THI VAN AN (Example)
- Last name: NGUYEN (Example)
- Username: set yourself
- Click Let Go . Click Done to complete
🙏 Wish Ace successful registration
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