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Manta Network: Multi-modular blockchain based on zero-knowledge technology, Atlantic and Pacific lead Web3 innovation#MantaRWA生态 This year, Manta Network was launched on HotsCoin. Manta Network is a multi-modular blockchain ecosystem based on zero-knowledge technology. Its two main networks are Manta Atlantic and Manta Pacific. Manta Atlantic is a zero-knowledge L1 chain running on Polkadot, bringing programmable privacy and identity to Web3 through zkSBT technology. Manta Pacific is a modular L2 ecosystem for EVM-native zero-knowledge applications, providing a scalable and cost-effective Gas fee environment for applications. The network provides a unique experience for the development and adoption of next-generation Web3 applications through zero-knowledge encryption technology. Currently $MANTA is open for trading on HotsCoin.

Manta Network: Multi-modular blockchain based on zero-knowledge technology, Atlantic and Pacific lead Web3 innovation

#MantaRWA生态 This year, Manta Network was launched on HotsCoin. Manta Network is a multi-modular blockchain ecosystem based on zero-knowledge technology. Its two main networks are Manta Atlantic and Manta Pacific. Manta Atlantic is a zero-knowledge L1 chain running on Polkadot, bringing programmable privacy and identity to Web3 through zkSBT technology. Manta Pacific is a modular L2 ecosystem for EVM-native zero-knowledge applications, providing a scalable and cost-effective Gas fee environment for applications. The network provides a unique experience for the development and adoption of next-generation Web3 applications through zero-knowledge encryption technology. Currently $MANTA is open for trading on HotsCoin.
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Invest $MANTA Opportunity is here! #MantaRWA生态 The MantaRWA ecosystem is entering a critical development phase, providing new investment opportunities or technological advances. This may include the following aspects: New product launches: MantaRWA may launch new platform features or products to further simplify and enhance the digitization and management process of real-world assets. Partnerships: Cooperation with traditional financial institutions, blockchain projects or other ecosystems can increase the influence and scope of the platform. Market expansion: Enter new markets or expand existing market share to serve more users and investors. Technological progress: Improve the underlying technology, such as increasing transaction speed, enhancing security, optimizing smart contracts, etc., to enhance user experience and platform reliability. Progress in regulatory compliance: Make important progress in regulatory compliance and obtain approval and support from more regions and countries. If you are an investor or interested in blockchain technology, this may be a good time to study and participate in the MantaRWA ecosystem. You can pay attention to the following aspects: Project white paper and technical documentation: Learn about the details and technical implementation of the project. Community and social media: Join the project's community and follow its social media accounts to get the latest updates and announcements. Market performance: Observe the market performance and trading volume of MantaRWA-related tokens to assess market confidence and investment potential. Participate in project testing: If there is a testnet or public testing event, you can participate in it to experience the platform's functions and services. Overall, the development opportunities of the MantaRWA ecosystem may bring new innovations and investment prospects. For individuals and institutions interested in blockchain and the digitization of real-world assets, this is an area worth paying close attention to.
Invest $MANTA Opportunity is here! #MantaRWA生态
The MantaRWA ecosystem is entering a critical development phase, providing new investment opportunities or technological advances. This may include the following aspects:

New product launches: MantaRWA may launch new platform features or products to further simplify and enhance the digitization and management process of real-world assets.

Partnerships: Cooperation with traditional financial institutions, blockchain projects or other ecosystems can increase the influence and scope of the platform.

Market expansion: Enter new markets or expand existing market share to serve more users and investors.

Technological progress: Improve the underlying technology, such as increasing transaction speed, enhancing security, optimizing smart contracts, etc., to enhance user experience and platform reliability.

Progress in regulatory compliance: Make important progress in regulatory compliance and obtain approval and support from more regions and countries.

If you are an investor or interested in blockchain technology, this may be a good time to study and participate in the MantaRWA ecosystem. You can pay attention to the following aspects:

Project white paper and technical documentation: Learn about the details and technical implementation of the project.

Community and social media: Join the project's community and follow its social media accounts to get the latest updates and announcements.
Market performance: Observe the market performance and trading volume of MantaRWA-related tokens to assess market confidence and investment potential.
Participate in project testing: If there is a testnet or public testing event, you can participate in it to experience the platform's functions and services.
Overall, the development opportunities of the MantaRWA ecosystem may bring new innovations and investment prospects. For individuals and institutions interested in blockchain and the digitization of real-world assets, this is an area worth paying close attention to.
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#MantaRWA生态 Invest $MANTA It's time! The MantaRWA ecosystem is an ecosystem focused on bringing real-world assets (RWA) into the field of blockchain technology and decentralized finance (DeFi). Its goal is to use the transparency, security and programmability of blockchain to improve and innovate the way traditional assets are managed and traded. The following are some key elements of the MantaRWA ecosystem: Digitalization of real-world assets: By digitizing traditional assets such as real estate, commodities, and artworks, tokens linked to real assets are created so that they can be traded and managed on the blockchain. Decentralized Finance (DeFi) Integration: By integrating with DeFi protocols, these digitized assets can be traded on decentralized exchanges (DEX), borrowed as collateral, or participated in other DeFi activities. Smart contracts: Smart contracts are used to manage the ownership, trading, and distribution of these assets, ensuring transparency and automation. Liquidity: Through blockchain technology, the liquidity of traditional assets is increased, making them easier to trade and split, and lowering the entry barrier. Compliance and security: The MantaRWA ecosystem is committed to meeting regulatory requirements, ensuring the legal compliance of asset digitization and transaction processes, while using the security of blockchain to protect assets and transaction data. The vision of the MantaRWA ecosystem is to bridge the real world with blockchain technology, allowing traditional assets to enjoy the efficiency and innovation brought by blockchain while maintaining their inherent value and stability. Through this ecosystem, investors can more easily access and manage a diverse portfolio of assets around the world.
#MantaRWA生态 Invest $MANTA It's time!
The MantaRWA ecosystem is an ecosystem focused on bringing real-world assets (RWA) into the field of blockchain technology and decentralized finance (DeFi). Its goal is to use the transparency, security and programmability of blockchain to improve and innovate the way traditional assets are managed and traded.

The following are some key elements of the MantaRWA ecosystem:

Digitalization of real-world assets: By digitizing traditional assets such as real estate, commodities, and artworks, tokens linked to real assets are created so that they can be traded and managed on the blockchain.
Decentralized Finance (DeFi) Integration: By integrating with DeFi protocols, these digitized assets can be traded on decentralized exchanges (DEX), borrowed as collateral, or participated in other DeFi activities.
Smart contracts: Smart contracts are used to manage the ownership, trading, and distribution of these assets, ensuring transparency and automation.
Liquidity: Through blockchain technology, the liquidity of traditional assets is increased, making them easier to trade and split, and lowering the entry barrier.
Compliance and security: The MantaRWA ecosystem is committed to meeting regulatory requirements, ensuring the legal compliance of asset digitization and transaction processes, while using the security of blockchain to protect assets and transaction data.
The vision of the MantaRWA ecosystem is to bridge the real world with blockchain technology, allowing traditional assets to enjoy the efficiency and innovation brought by blockchain while maintaining their inherent value and stability. Through this ecosystem, investors can more easily access and manage a diverse portfolio of assets around the world.
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$BTC $ETH What is Ethereum? Ethereum is an open-source blockchain platform designed to enable smart contracts and decentralized applications (dApps). It was launched by programmer Vitalik Buterin in 2015. Unlike Bitcoin's pure digital currency function, Ethereum is designed to provide a programmable blockchain environment that supports complex financial contracts and decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs). Here are some of Ethereum's key features: Smart contracts: Ethereum's biggest innovation is its support for smart contracts, which are automatically executed contract terms. These contracts are automatically executed when preset conditions are met, reducing the possibility of human intervention and errors. Decentralized applications (dApps): Developers can build and deploy decentralized applications on the Ethereum platform, which do not rely on any central authority to run. Ether (ETH): Ethereum's native cryptocurrency, used to pay transaction fees and computing service fees. Ether is also a reward for miners in the network. ERC-20 standard: Ethereum supports the creation of custom tokens. ERC-20 is the most common token standard used to define the behavior of tokens in the Ethereum network. Blockchain 2.0: Ethereum is regarded as the second generation of blockchain technology because it not only supports transaction records, but also executes program logic (smart contracts), which expands the application scope of blockchain. The Ethereum platform is widely used in decentralized finance (DeFi), non-fungible tokens (NFT) and other fields, promoting the development and popularization of blockchain technology. Compared with Bitcoin, Ethereum focuses more on providing a flexible development environment that supports various complex application scenarios. #现货以太坊ETF获美SEC批准
$BTC $ETH What is Ethereum?

Ethereum is an open-source blockchain platform designed to enable smart contracts and decentralized applications (dApps). It was launched by programmer Vitalik Buterin in 2015. Unlike Bitcoin's pure digital currency function, Ethereum is designed to provide a programmable blockchain environment that supports complex financial contracts and decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs).

Here are some of Ethereum's key features:

Smart contracts: Ethereum's biggest innovation is its support for smart contracts, which are automatically executed contract terms. These contracts are automatically executed when preset conditions are met, reducing the possibility of human intervention and errors.
Decentralized applications (dApps): Developers can build and deploy decentralized applications on the Ethereum platform, which do not rely on any central authority to run.

Ether (ETH): Ethereum's native cryptocurrency, used to pay transaction fees and computing service fees. Ether is also a reward for miners in the network.

ERC-20 standard: Ethereum supports the creation of custom tokens. ERC-20 is the most common token standard used to define the behavior of tokens in the Ethereum network.
Blockchain 2.0: Ethereum is regarded as the second generation of blockchain technology because it not only supports transaction records, but also executes program logic (smart contracts), which expands the application scope of blockchain.
The Ethereum platform is widely used in decentralized finance (DeFi), non-fungible tokens (NFT) and other fields, promoting the development and popularization of blockchain technology. Compared with Bitcoin, Ethereum focuses more on providing a flexible development environment that supports various complex application scenarios. #现货以太坊ETF获美SEC批准
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$BTC $ETH What is Bitcoin? Bitcoin is a decentralized digital currency first proposed by an individual or group with the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto in 2008 and released as open source software in 2009. It is based on blockchain technology and uses cryptographic principles and consensus mechanisms to ensure the security and validity of transactions. Here are some key features of Bitcoin: Decentralization: There is no central authority or government control, and transactions are verified by nodes in the network through cryptography and recorded on a distributed ledger (blockchain). Limited supply: The total supply of Bitcoin is designed to be 21 million, avoiding the risk of inflation. Anonymity: Transactions do not require disclosure of identity information, but all transaction records are public and transparent on the blockchain. Irreversibility: Once a transaction is confirmed, it cannot be reversed to prevent fraud. Divisibility: A Bitcoin can be divided into smaller units (the smallest unit is called "Satoshi", i.e. 0.00000001 Bitcoin). Bitcoin can be used for a variety of purposes such as online shopping, investment, and money transfer. Over time, Bitcoin has become a widely accepted asset class, but it has also attracted much attention due to its price volatility and regulatory issues. #BTC走势分析
$BTC $ETH What is Bitcoin?

Bitcoin is a decentralized digital currency first proposed by an individual or group with the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto in 2008 and released as open source software in 2009. It is based on blockchain technology and uses cryptographic principles and consensus mechanisms to ensure the security and validity of transactions.

Here are some key features of Bitcoin:

Decentralization: There is no central authority or government control, and transactions are verified by nodes in the network through cryptography and recorded on a distributed ledger (blockchain).

Limited supply: The total supply of Bitcoin is designed to be 21 million, avoiding the risk of inflation.

Anonymity: Transactions do not require disclosure of identity information, but all transaction records are public and transparent on the blockchain.

Irreversibility: Once a transaction is confirmed, it cannot be reversed to prevent fraud.

Divisibility: A Bitcoin can be divided into smaller units (the smallest unit is called "Satoshi", i.e. 0.00000001 Bitcoin).

Bitcoin can be used for a variety of purposes such as online shopping, investment, and money transfer. Over time, Bitcoin has become a widely accepted asset class, but it has also attracted much attention due to its price volatility and regulatory issues. #BTC走势分析
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$BTC $ETH #现货以太坊ETF获美SEC批准 The total amount of liquidation in the past 24 hours was $44.74 million, of which ETH liquidated $24.14 million, BTC liquidated $17.5 million, XRP liquidated $1.98 million, ETC liquidated $800,000, BCH liquidated $120,000, EOS liquidated $110,000, LTC liquidated $39,600, TRX liquidated $31,100, and BSV liquidated $2,134. The data in this article are collected from the quarterly contracts and perpetual contract data of BTC, ETH, EOS, BCH, BSV, ETC, TRX, XRP, and LTC on Binance, Huobi, OKEX, and BITMEX exchanges. The statistical time is from 2024-05-29 08:00AM to 2024-05-30 08:00AM.
$BTC $ETH #现货以太坊ETF获美SEC批准 The total amount of liquidation in the past 24 hours was $44.74 million, of which ETH liquidated $24.14 million, BTC liquidated $17.5 million, XRP liquidated $1.98 million, ETC liquidated $800,000, BCH liquidated $120,000, EOS liquidated $110,000, LTC liquidated $39,600, TRX liquidated $31,100, and BSV liquidated $2,134. The data in this article are collected from the quarterly contracts and perpetual contract data of BTC, ETH, EOS, BCH, BSV, ETC, TRX, XRP, and LTC on Binance, Huobi, OKEX, and BITMEX exchanges. The statistical time is from 2024-05-29 08:00AM to 2024-05-30 08:00AM.
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$BTC $ETH On May 29th local time, the European Union announced the establishment of an Artificial Intelligence Office to regulate artificial intelligence. The office is composed of 140 members including technical experts, lawyers and economists. The EU said that the establishment of this office will play a key role in the implementation of the "Artificial Intelligence Act". The European Commission proposed the "Artificial Intelligence Act" in 2021 with the aim of protecting citizens from the hazards of this emerging technology. After several rounds of negotiations and consultations, on the 21st of this month, the European Council formally approved the "Artificial Intelligence Act", which is the world's first bill to comprehensively regulate artificial intelligence. #现货以太坊ETF获美SEC批准
$BTC $ETH On May 29th local time, the European Union announced the establishment of an Artificial Intelligence Office to regulate artificial intelligence. The office is composed of 140 members including technical experts, lawyers and economists. The EU said that the establishment of this office will play a key role in the implementation of the "Artificial Intelligence Act". The European Commission proposed the "Artificial Intelligence Act" in 2021 with the aim of protecting citizens from the hazards of this emerging technology. After several rounds of negotiations and consultations, on the 21st of this month, the European Council formally approved the "Artificial Intelligence Act", which is the world's first bill to comprehensively regulate artificial intelligence. #现货以太坊ETF获美SEC批准
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$BTC $ETH Deutsche Bank announced that it will strategically promote the development of blockchain technology to address challenges facing the financial services industry. The German banking giant is participating in Singapore’s Project Guardian, a project led by the Monetary Authority of Singapore that aims to harness the benefits of blockchain for financial markets. Deutsche Bank is currently testing a new platform based on the Ethereum network to serve tokenized funds under Project Guardian. Anand Rengarajan, head of securities services and global sales for Asia Pacific and the Middle East at Deutsche Bank, stressed the urgency of adopting innovative technologies. “Blockchain will be critical in helping us remain competitive as margin compression affects the financial services industry,” he said. According to Rengarajan, blockchain and smart contract-based solutions can significantly reduce costs, shorten trading hours and minimize risk. #现货以太坊ETF获美SEC批准
$BTC $ETH Deutsche Bank announced that it will strategically promote the development of blockchain technology to address challenges facing the financial services industry. The German banking giant is participating in Singapore’s Project Guardian, a project led by the Monetary Authority of Singapore that aims to harness the benefits of blockchain for financial markets. Deutsche Bank is currently testing a new platform based on the Ethereum network to serve tokenized funds under Project Guardian. Anand Rengarajan, head of securities services and global sales for Asia Pacific and the Middle East at Deutsche Bank, stressed the urgency of adopting innovative technologies. “Blockchain will be critical in helping us remain competitive as margin compression affects the financial services industry,” he said. According to Rengarajan, blockchain and smart contract-based solutions can significantly reduce costs, shorten trading hours and minimize risk. #现货以太坊ETF获美SEC批准
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In the DeFi space, Liquidity Staking Derivatives (LSD) ETH holdings finally saw net inflows after weeks of declines. Previously, LSD's ETH holdings almost fell below the 13 million threshold, reaching a low of 13.04 million ETH. Today, these platforms hold 13.15 million ETH, or about $50.29 billion. Lido held 9.36 million ETH 12 days ago and currently holds 9.51 million ETH, with a market share of 72.31%. Data shows that Lido has attracted a large portion of deposits over the past period, with an additional inflow of 150,000 ETH. Rocket Pool's ETH holdings have remained unchanged in the past two weeks, and Binance's staking ETH platform holdings have risen slightly from 896,471 ETH to 896,580 ETH. In addition, Mantle's LSD platform holdings increased slightly from 476,223 ETH to 473,818 ETH, while Swell's holdings fell from 190,087 ETH to 181,863 ETH. Overall, LSD has a net inflow of about 110,000 ETH in the past 12 days, worth about $417.59 million. ( $BTC $ETH #现货以太坊ETF获美SEC批准
In the DeFi space, Liquidity Staking Derivatives (LSD) ETH holdings finally saw net inflows after weeks of declines. Previously, LSD's ETH holdings almost fell below the 13 million threshold, reaching a low of 13.04 million ETH. Today, these platforms hold 13.15 million ETH, or about $50.29 billion. Lido held 9.36 million ETH 12 days ago and currently holds 9.51 million ETH, with a market share of 72.31%. Data shows that Lido has attracted a large portion of deposits over the past period, with an additional inflow of 150,000 ETH. Rocket Pool's ETH holdings have remained unchanged in the past two weeks, and Binance's staking ETH platform holdings have risen slightly from 896,471 ETH to 896,580 ETH. In addition, Mantle's LSD platform holdings increased slightly from 476,223 ETH to 473,818 ETH, while Swell's holdings fell from 190,087 ETH to 181,863 ETH. Overall, LSD has a net inflow of about 110,000 ETH in the past 12 days, worth about $417.59 million. ( $BTC $ETH #现货以太坊ETF获美SEC批准
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$BTC $ETH Grayscale's latest survey shows that American voters are increasingly attracted to Bitcoin, driven by macroeconomic developments and its maturity as an asset. About 47% of American voters want to include cryptocurrencies as part of their investment portfolio, highlighting the importance of the topic in the upcoming November election. The survey showed that about 32% of voters said they would prefer to learn about cryptocurrency as an investment. The fact that 28% of voters believe that inflation is the most pressing issue in the upcoming US election may support the above choice. In addition, geopolitical tensions, polarized political discourse, and persistent inflation have led more American voters to seek Bitcoin, but major developments around Bitcoin, including the approval of spot Bitcoin ETFs, have also played an important role. Grayscale noted: "It is clear that cryptocurrencies will be increasingly considered by policymakers and candidates for all offices preparing to participate in the 2024 election."#BTC走势分析
$BTC $ETH Grayscale's latest survey shows that American voters are increasingly attracted to Bitcoin, driven by macroeconomic developments and its maturity as an asset. About 47% of American voters want to include cryptocurrencies as part of their investment portfolio, highlighting the importance of the topic in the upcoming November election. The survey showed that about 32% of voters said they would prefer to learn about cryptocurrency as an investment. The fact that 28% of voters believe that inflation is the most pressing issue in the upcoming US election may support the above choice. In addition, geopolitical tensions, polarized political discourse, and persistent inflation have led more American voters to seek Bitcoin, but major developments around Bitcoin, including the approval of spot Bitcoin ETFs, have also played an important role. Grayscale noted: "It is clear that cryptocurrencies will be increasingly considered by policymakers and candidates for all offices preparing to participate in the 2024 election."#BTC走势分析
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$BTC $ETH LFG posted on the X platform that in order to enhance the security of funds, the assets in the multi-signature wallet will be transferred to a more powerful direct custody solution in the next few days. The assets in the following wallets will be migrated: Avalanche: 0x46F9dC7492A0164Eb920eE07979EBbc08a949cE5 BSC: 0x36236fa003Ac2E5371E3264276f82D355180a102 The new wallet addresses of Avalanche and BSC are: 0x36236fa003Ac2E5371E3264276f82D355180a102#现货以太坊ETF获美SEC批准
$BTC $ETH LFG posted on the X platform that in order to enhance the security of funds, the assets in the multi-signature wallet will be transferred to a more powerful direct custody solution in the next few days. The assets in the following wallets will be migrated: Avalanche: 0x46F9dC7492A0164Eb920eE07979EBbc08a949cE5 BSC: 0x36236fa003Ac2E5371E3264276f82D355180a102 The new wallet addresses of Avalanche and BSC are: 0x36236fa003Ac2E5371E3264276f82D355180a102#现货以太坊ETF获美SEC批准
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$BTC $ETH On May 27, Solana’s content monetization protocol Access Protocol announced the launch of Transferable Subscriptions. Transferable Subscriptions introduces cNFT as a tool for creating, buying, selling and transferring Access subscriptions (staked ACS). It is reported that all new subscriptions created on Access will be transferable and will receive a cNFT representing the staked account for each subscription, which can be used to trade on Tensor to obtain Tensorian and other rewards.
$BTC $ETH On May 27, Solana’s content monetization protocol Access Protocol announced the launch of Transferable Subscriptions. Transferable Subscriptions introduces cNFT as a tool for creating, buying, selling and transferring Access subscriptions (staked ACS). It is reported that all new subscriptions created on Access will be transferable and will receive a cNFT representing the staked account for each subscription, which can be used to trade on Tensor to obtain Tensorian and other rewards.
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$BTC $ETH The official of Optimism ecosystem DEX and liquidity protocol Velodrome posted on social media that the protocol will be extended to OP superchain Layer 2 network Metal. This will be the fifth superchain Layer 2 to deploy Velodrome.
$BTC $ETH The official of Optimism ecosystem DEX and liquidity protocol Velodrome posted on social media that the protocol will be extended to OP superchain Layer 2 network Metal. This will be the fifth superchain Layer 2 to deploy Velodrome.
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$BTC $ETH Taiko, an Ethereum L2 network based on zkRollup, announced on the X platform that its protocol has been deployed on the Ethereum mainnet. After the mainnet is launched, Taiko said that it plans to launch a DAO later this year to gradually transfer control of the protocol to its community. This transition will be carried out in stages, reducing the "training wheels" over time until the community achieves full governance. #现货以太坊ETF获美SEC批准
$BTC $ETH Taiko, an Ethereum L2 network based on zkRollup, announced on the X platform that its protocol has been deployed on the Ethereum mainnet. After the mainnet is launched, Taiko said that it plans to launch a DAO later this year to gradually transfer control of the protocol to its community. This transition will be carried out in stages, reducing the "training wheels" over time until the community achieves full governance. #现货以太坊ETF获美SEC批准
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Bill Hughes, senior legal counsel and director of global regulatory affairs at Consensys, said in an interview that the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is likely to classify ETH under investor protection laws. In October 2023, the SEC allowed Ethereum-based futures ETFs to be traded on securities trading platforms. This means that the assets based on the futures contracts are not securities. Something has happened between then and now, which seems to have caused the SEC to change its position. (Coindesk)$BTC $ETH
Bill Hughes, senior legal counsel and director of global regulatory affairs at Consensys, said in an interview that the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is likely to classify ETH under investor protection laws. In October 2023, the SEC allowed Ethereum-based futures ETFs to be traded on securities trading platforms. This means that the assets based on the futures contracts are not securities. Something has happened between then and now, which seems to have caused the SEC to change its position. (Coindesk)$BTC $ETH
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$BTC $ETH EigenLayer announces the launch of the hackathon AVS MicroHacks, which starts today, May 27th, and ends on June 17th, 2024, with over $50,000.00 in prizes, and registration is now open.
$BTC $ETH EigenLayer announces the launch of the hackathon AVS MicroHacks, which starts today, May 27th, and ends on June 17th, 2024, with over $50,000.00 in prizes, and registration is now open.
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$BTC $ETH CAT memecoin team "Sol" is linked to last night's GCR social media hack. Before the hack, an address associated with the memecoin team opened a $2.3 million ORDI and $1 million ETHFI long position on Hyperliquid. The "Sol" team sniped the release of its CAT, controlling 63% of the supply and making a profit of $5 million, which was then transferred to multiple wallets and cross-chain. Through time analysis, multiple addresses on Ethereum and Arbitrum were confirmed, among which 0x5e...adc8 opened an ORDI long position at 5:45-5:46 pm UTC. At 5:55 UTC, the GCR Twitter account was hacked and posted about ORDI, causing the price to surge. 0x5e…adc8 then closed the ORDI long position and made a profit of $34,000; GCR posted a stolen warning in another account; the hacker later posted about ETHFI, but 0x5e…adc8 closed the position with a loss of $3.5k. #新币挖矿
$BTC $ETH CAT memecoin team "Sol" is linked to last night's GCR social media hack. Before the hack, an address associated with the memecoin team opened a $2.3 million ORDI and $1 million ETHFI long position on Hyperliquid. The "Sol" team sniped the release of its CAT, controlling 63% of the supply and making a profit of $5 million, which was then transferred to multiple wallets and cross-chain. Through time analysis, multiple addresses on Ethereum and Arbitrum were confirmed, among which 0x5e...adc8 opened an ORDI long position at 5:45-5:46 pm UTC. At 5:55 UTC, the GCR Twitter account was hacked and posted about ORDI, causing the price to surge. 0x5e…adc8 then closed the ORDI long position and made a profit of $34,000; GCR posted a stolen warning in another account; the hacker later posted about ETHFI, but 0x5e…adc8 closed the position with a loss of $3.5k. #新币挖矿
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$BTC $ETH $BNB According to HODL15Capital, the gap between Grayscale GBTC and BlackRock IBIT in Bitcoin holdings has further narrowed, and it is expected that the former will be overtaken by the latter next week. It is worth mentioning that the words "the world's largest (Bitcoin ETF)" have been removed from the Grayscale GBTC official website, perhaps because it is expected that BlackRock's IBIT will soon surpass GBTC. #DOGE原型柴犬KABOSU去世 #现货以太坊ETF获美SEC批准 #MegadropLista
$BTC $ETH $BNB According to HODL15Capital, the gap between Grayscale GBTC and BlackRock IBIT in Bitcoin holdings has further narrowed, and it is expected that the former will be overtaken by the latter next week. It is worth mentioning that the words "the world's largest (Bitcoin ETF)" have been removed from the Grayscale GBTC official website, perhaps because it is expected that BlackRock's IBIT will soon surpass GBTC. #DOGE原型柴犬KABOSU去世 #现货以太坊ETF获美SEC批准 #MegadropLista
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$BTC $ETH $BNB The Uniswap Foundation officially announced the unaudited quarterly financial summary as of March 31, 2024, indicating that as of Q1, it held $41.41 million and stablecoins (approximately $40.47 million, 750,000 DAI, 180,000 USDC), as well as 730,000 UNI. Fiat currency (US dollars) and stablecoins will be used to fund and operate activities, and UNI will be used for employee token rewards. The expected period of use of funds will last until the end of 2025, with the following specific allocations: Grant commitments and incentives: $25.77 million will be issued in 2024 and 2025. $2.94 million is reserved for previously promised grant issuance. The remaining $12.7 million will be used to fund operating expenses before the end of 2025. #DOGE原型柴犬KABOSU去世 #现货以太坊ETF获美SEC批准 #MegadropLista
$BTC $ETH $BNB The Uniswap Foundation officially announced the unaudited quarterly financial summary as of March 31, 2024, indicating that as of Q1, it held $41.41 million and stablecoins (approximately $40.47 million, 750,000 DAI, 180,000 USDC), as well as 730,000 UNI. Fiat currency (US dollars) and stablecoins will be used to fund and operate activities, and UNI will be used for employee token rewards. The expected period of use of funds will last until the end of 2025, with the following specific allocations:
Grant commitments and incentives: $25.77 million will be issued in 2024 and 2025. $2.94 million is reserved for previously promised grant issuance.
The remaining $12.7 million will be used to fund operating expenses before the end of 2025. #DOGE原型柴犬KABOSU去世 #现货以太坊ETF获美SEC批准 #MegadropLista
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