$TURBO i bought at 1150. I've placed limit orders at 800 and 710. I calculated at most a 50% drop from yesterdays high. BTC will take us down there and then shoot up to ATH's. I expect BTC to retrace back to 82. Hence my limit orders.
$ENA Oh well. Looks like I'm gonna have to hold. Remember people, don't put in money if you are expecting any returns soon. Prices always drop a lot, but also rise a lot. This is bear territory. Switch off your computer and come back in two or three months if you can't watch the screen.
$ENA It's so mesmerising watching it drop. I've never had to watch any of my coins drop like this. It's almost like watching your car roll down a hill without a driver.
$ENA This coin is going to pump this weekend as long as Israel and Iran don't dump on each other. Last week Saturday was looking great for ENA until they started. Anyway, PEACE before profits.
$ETHFI This week will go down in crypto history as one of the bloodiest ever. ETHFI, SAGA, AEVO and many more . . . . . . I hope ENA wont follow suit. It seems to be holding ground but has suddenly dropped in the last few minutes. Good luck crypto warriors!
$ENA The Americans are either gonna run with this or shoot it down. I suspect shoot it down in 1hrs time because they'll see the whale was here. Get ready to buy very low.