What is a Binance Square Verification Checkmark? Verified badges are used to determine the account belongs to the person or brand they claim to represent. This verification badge helps you make knowledgeable choices about who to follow and the content to interact with. As always though, it's essential to Do Your Own Research and to report any suspicious content, ensuring you follow authentic, intentioned experts. We bestow two sorts of verification badges, placed at the bottom right of the avatar. A black checkmark is for official Binance accounts, while a gold one is granted to influencers, media entities, organizations, and notable individuals.
Requirement to apply for a Golden Verification Checkmark? General criteria for the Golden Verification Checkmark: Credibility: Must adhere to the Binance Square Community Management Guidelines and Binance Square Terms and Conditions.* Binance Square reserves the right to potentially revoke verification status upon review of violation records, if any.Authenticity: Must pass the Binance account verification process.Activity: Must be active with regular engagement and posts on Binance Square. Specific Requirements for Different Account Types: 1. KOLs Own 30,000 followers or more followers on Binance Square. The account must be active, and we need to be able to connect with you for additional verification if necessary;OR receive an invitation from the Binance Square team. 2. Media Operate as a reputable media company that covers news, blogs, reports, or analysis-based content actively.You may be asked to provide additional information for profile verification. You won't be able to set your user name to match your company name until your account has been verified. 3. Business/Organizations Crypto, Web 3, Fintech, or traditional tech companies; agencies, funds, market analysis platforms, and aggregate trading platforms that are interested to share crypto updates on Square.You may be asked to provide additional information for profile verification. You won't be able to set your user name to match your company name until your account has been verified. 4. Projects Only projects that are already listed on Binance will qualify for the badge.You might be asked to provide additional details to verify your profile. You won’t be able to set a user name equal to your project name (or any project name) until your account has been verified.
How to apply? 1. KOLs Eligibility for the badge is evaluated on a monthly basis. Creators who achieve 30,000 followers and meet all other requirements will be granted the badge in the following month. Eligible creators will also be notified via a Square assistant push. Creators must have no violations and are required to create at least one article per week to maintain an active checkmark. The Binance Square team will review all checkmarks based on the necessary factors on a monthly basis. Binance reserves the right to remove the checkmark if a creator fails to meet the requirements. 2. Media, Business/Organizations, Projects Apply by sending an official application email to square@binance.com with the below information. Company nameBinance UIDNature of businessWebsite, social media accountPoint of Contact: Name, Email, Telegram ID, or other contact method What are the benefits of being a Verified Creator? Display your Verified Badge on your Square profileDedicated account support on content and platform growth from our Binance Square Account Managers Receive limited edition swag items on Binance special occasions Enjoy first dibs on product releases for Binance Square Prioritized rankings in Binance Square Unlock advanced features (e.g., Live stream) to enhance your content
You can now get up to $10 token voucher from Binance square by performing a very
simple task below:
1. Set up your Binance Square profile (i.e., your nickname, avatar and bio).
2. Create one post or article on Binance
3. Like and comment on five different posts or articles on Binance Square.
4. Gain three new Binance Square followers.
5. Follow ten accounts on Binance Square.
All KYC-verified Binance users who log into their Binance accounts and complete the following tasks during the Activity Period qualify for an equal share of the 10,000 USDT rewards pool from Binance. Please note that the reward per qualified participant is capped at 10 USDT in token voucher.
Activity Period: 2023-10-12 11:00 (UTC) to 2023-10-19 23:59 (UTC)
Note: This announcement is from Official Binance announcement channel.