You have to work very hard. When you get in touch with more excellent people, you will find that those who work hard not only have everything, but are also very self-disciplined, motivated, and studious.
Among all investments, learning may be the cheapest investment and the most valuable investment.
There is a saying that making money is the realization of your cognition. You can never make wealth beyond your cognition, because your wealth is basically matched with your cognition.
Think about it, it is the same truth. Some people earn millions of yuan a year, why can they only have enough food and clothing? In essence, it has nothing to do with appearance and physique, but it is definitely related to our cognition.
Don't try to chase money. It has four legs (horns), and we only have two legs. No matter how we run, we can't catch up. On the contrary, if you improve your cognition, improve your ability, and improve your value, from quantitative change to qualitative change, then at that time, money will chase you, and four legs (horns) will chase your two feet. Isn't that as simple as breathing!
Finally, to sum it up in one sentence, money is not earned, but attracted by your cognition.
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