Mr. Gou, take a look at the vote in the MTGOX creditor group: Will you sell or hold the bitcoins you receive in July? There are currently 22 votes.
For those who were compensated with less than 1 BTC, 3 chose to sell and 5 chose to hold;
For those who were compensated with 1-10 BTC, 3 chose to sell and 7 chose to hold;
For those who were compensated with more than 10 BTC, 0 chose to sell and 4 chose to hold.
MTGOX went bankrupt in February 2014, when the price of Bitcoin was $500. Suppose at that time, you spent $5,000 to put all the BTC there, and 10 years later, you received 10 BTC again, worth $600,000, with a profit of 120 times, would you hold or sell?