I entered the market at 63400 and sold at 64300 to win 800 points! I received 10000 oil, and the night was not in vain!
Last night, it rose above 66000, and it could have stood firm and reversed the decline, but the selling pressure of ETH directly led to a further decline in the market. But Xinyi is still optimistic about the rise and impact of 66000.
Optimistic about BTC rebound and impact of 66000!
Courage, confidence and rhythm are indispensable!
You must try it if you have the opportunity
In fact, the cost of trial and error is not high, but the cost of missing is very high.
The door of the heart is closed too tightly, it seems that you have won, but in fact you have missed the opportunity to try new things
Trading is the process of seizing opportunities
Long-term vision is the key to success
Again, I can take you ashore, just lie down! #币安合约锦标赛 #ETH🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 #BTC☀