The number of people who are committing suicide around the world because of the financial market is no joke...

In recent times the suicide rate has increased dramatically. It's only when the market reacts negatively that the psychology starts to get shaken. Remember, those who take their own lives are not always because they were greedy, but simply because they lost what they had, believing they could offer a better condition for their family.

Taking this situation into consideration, manage your capital and remember, the big whales are here to take your money. In the financial market, no one feels sorry for anyone and one thing is certain. There are only opportunistic people here, some with ambition and others with evil. It is easier to find small speculators willing to help than large investors. May God guide in the Light those who took their own lives and give wisdom to those who are still depressed here.

#Binance Could you intervene in the middle of this situation. It's not about changing the structure of the game, but about monitoring so that the situation is equal.

Example: For large investors, place order execution limits on sales, making it impossible for the market to melt. This way we would achieve better valuation and attract many more people to learn about the Cryptocurrencies market.