Well Friends,
This article is in continuation to my earlier posts. In this I will explain how I go about trading to earn $7 -$10 in quick sessions in a series of about 6-8 sessions, making around 40-50 dollars in 1 sitting.
The Strategy.
I have around 1600 dollars.
I select a coin which has an up trend like this pic above.
I buy this coin with 25 USTD. Then I wait. If it goes down I buy again 10 to 15 points down but with only 25 USTD.
If it goes up I buy quick after every 5 points up but my purchase amount remains 25 USTD.
I use Limit option to pay lowest fee. I do not order in advance. I fill the data with Limit option and wait. When desired price comes I click the buy button to execute only 1 order. I do not cancel an order and I do not put orders again and again.
In this session I only invest up to 200 USTD and see the market.
Here I also decide 2 things. One, should I invest more if price goes down? For this I check the time intervals of 15 m, 1 hr and 1 day. If 15m and 1 hr timeline indicate the shortest EMA above the middle EMA and Middle EMA above the farthest EMA, its positive. So now I invest 100 USTD whenever it dips down but not more than 200.
Secondly, do I need to invest more if it goes up, yes I need. So I invest 25 USTD every 4-5 points up. But my total investment doesn't exceed 500 dollars.
Then wait and meanwhile check the wallet under spot to see you have green indicators meaning its positive. Also decide when to sell.
Mostly upward trends go for a time period but with graphs making up down lines. Sit tight and sell when your choice price is reached but you should make at least 8 dollars in this session.
Keep a watch on graph, if it dips buy again and sell again after short interval.
If at any point you feel that now graph will go down, sell it to save at least a dollar or two. With the passing days you will have more experience.
Do not be frustrated. Keep doing this practice and by the end of the day you will surely have around 50-60 dollars in your pocket.
You must pay in BNB coin because Binance gives 25% discount on that.
One more thing, when you reach the price of your choice to sell but the lines are keep going, you must also keep going because you are already above your mark and you can earn more.
If you have any questions please write and I will explain to the best of my knowledge.
Press Like to keep me motivated.
And just for your information I earned around 25 dollars in 2 hours through sale purchase of IO coin.
Good Luck.