#币安上线ZK #BTC走势分析
About the investment system
One principle is: action circle < ability circle < cognitive circle. While constantly learning and expanding your cognitive circle, you also need to constantly narrow your action circle. There are many opportunities in web3, and it is easy to lose yourself. In many cases, even actions beyond your cognition and ability may bring positive feedback, but this positive feedback will often backfire on you with doubled negative feedback in the end.
From a technical perspective, I have set a few red lines for myself:
1. Only BTC/ETH/SOL are allocated for large positions;
2. The currency position is maintained at about 70% of the total position, not more than 80%;
3. 20-30% of the U/other asset positions, give up the secondary level, and continue to deepen the 1.5-level projects;
4. The number of participants in the 1.5-level projects has been reduced, but the projects that are optimistic about must be in the top 10% of the market for the project, or even higher; for the optimistic projects, enough chips must be placed;