Let me explain further the wealth code that I have been sharing recently.
Recently, I have mentioned many fixed investments such as $BAKE, $MANTA, and today's $HIFI and $TNSR.
When it comes to wealth codes, everyone is only concerned about a few things: how to buy? Which one to buy among so many? What to do if you are stuck after buying?
The answer to the first question is fixed investment.
We can plan how much to buy each month, for example, after deducting all expenses from the income of a month, there is still 300 US dollars left. For example, if we are optimistic about $BAKE and $TNSR, we can buy 50 US dollars each.
In this way, after a year, we bought $600 of $BAKE. When it quadruples in the future, we will get a profit of 2,400 US dollars. The principal has quadrupled in one year! Assuming that if you play with contracts and open leverage, there should be very few people who insist on quadrupling in one year.
The answer to the second question is that you can buy everything and buy it in a dispersed manner.
As mentioned before, among the fixed investment targets given, at most only one of the ten targets will fail. Then we invest in more than two targets, at least it is a sure win. The benefit of diversified investment is to reduce risk. If we buy the next thundering LUNA, fortunately we have other investments to offset the loss and make a profit.
The answer to the third question is to hold firmly.
We are doing cyclical investment. Many people often talk about bull and bear markets. In fact, this is also a cycle. The BTC bear market of 20,000 to 30,000 lasted for more than a year. If we start to invest in the bear market, we can see rich returns in one or two years. Some people say that if the bull market is about to end now? Then we will invest in a bear market again. When the bear market is gone and the bull market comes again, it is time for us to multiply many times.
So, when we believe in time, time will also make us successful.