✳️ If you are a beginner in future trading, you must adhere to some conditions for safe and loss-free 🤩 trading.

1️⃣ Do not trade Future if you are new to the currency market, 🤌start trading the spot for a training period first

2️⃣ Do not transfer your full balance from the spot wallet to the Future wallet

3️⃣ Do not use leverage more than x3 to x5 maximum because, as we talked earlier, the currency market is a highly volatile 📈📉 market and the use of large leverage makes the possibility of liquidating the deal greater within minutes, if the market witnesses a🤯 violent descent

4️⃣ Do not use the Cross suffix and use the Isolated suffix

And to what knows the difference between them, this is a simple explanation:

✴️ In the event that the trader chooses to open Future Cross 🔃 positions, the balance in his portfolio remaining after opening the positions is automatically used to adjust the loss margin and thus change the liquidation price accordingly, in which case all open positions are related to each other and the Future portfolio balance.

Using the cross means that your wallet balance is not secured and available to use from all open positions and if the market witnesses a violent decline, the trades will drain your balance to zero and therefore all your positions can be liquidated and your 😱😱 wallet balance will be zero.

⚛️ If you choose to open isolated positions, each trade you open is separate from the other and from your Future Wallet balance.

The position is liquidated when the currency price reaches the liquidation price specified in the position without affecting your other positions or the balance in your portfolio. 🫡