What will the market look like next?

Many people are beginning to enter a period of confusion again. Although Bitcoin has not moved much, the trend of copycat stocks is going to zero, and they are beginning to regret it. If they had known that they would have earned more money by holding Bitcoin and Ethereum in full position, they would have earned more than now.  

This is indeed a fact. The trend over the past few years has fully demonstrated that most of the small investors in the market cannot outperform those who hold Bitcoin and Ethereum for a long time. However, people are the same year after year, but the people who speculate in cryptocurrencies are different. There are always a group of newcomers entering and a group of old people exiting.

If there are no new opportunities to get rich quickly, it will not attract a larger amount of water to flow into the pool of the cryptocurrency circle.

From the fact that Bitcoin ETF has passed this incident, no matter what the short-term market is like, the big bull has not really arrived.

This road to Rome has been opened, and the big army has not officially set off yet. Just be patient and truly experience the change of the four seasons of bull and bear.

Hold Bitcoin and Ethereum, and embrace new things at the same time

Curious about the cryptocurrency circle but don’t know where to start? Read my introduction to explore the potential of 100-fold coins and unlock the future mysteries of the cryptocurrency circle.

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