Brothers who follow $IO, please look here! The 4-hour line has been strongly supported for two consecutive days! Is the 10u era really coming?
Although it has been pulled up to 5.5u, the actual circulating market value is more than 500 million, which is still far behind the market value of $LPT. This increase should be considered as value discovery. IO knows how to convince people with the increase, and#DWFalso knows how to use emotions to control the market.
The logic of long-term bullishness to 10u is that the dealer has high control of the market + the emerging#Aitrack +#solecology. As long as the market rebounds, there will be a wave of emotional rebound. The partners who participated in the private placement have also earned several times. Hold it first and don’t mess around! I emphasize again that in the long run, it can be benchmarked against $RNDR! Everything will wait until the CB contract is launched on the 20th, and then make plans based on the specific performance!
If you are losing money now and don’t know what to do, you can click me to follow, click my avatar to find me at any time, and all the spot contract gameplay is shared. Just to increase fans #美联储连续第七次维持基准利率不变 #欧洲杯开赛 #CRV $BNB $$USDC