$BTC has been moving sideways for 3 months within a fluctuation range of about 20%.
Altcoins decreased by an average of 50% but could not maintain the sideways price range
The current plan has not changed yet
Short term is still depressing
Medium-term Bullish
Long term Bullish
The above 3 issues have been noted since March. But I didn't clearly write down what short/medium/long term is. This update will be more clear.
Short term, I'm ready to sleep until the end of August
In the medium term, the market started to warm up from September
Long term, everything will go higher in the next 1-1.5 years.
The most important thing during a period of depression is not to lose money. This is also written in the plan that as long as you don't use leverage and allocate appropriately, the next year will be prosperous.
For those following this plan, the allocation to my $BTC $ETH is more than 50%. That is, in the worst case, if you just choose a weak altcoin, buy it and swing it to the top of $BTC $ETH and then lie still, the maximum loss is 35%.
As for holding the full altcoin and swinging to the top, according to average calculations, the port split in half is quite solid.
I'm still holding all the spot positions and am comfortable even though I don't have much money left.
For those who still have money, reasonable allocation determines the win, not choosing which altcoin has potential x100