Over the past week . The Cardano team built its momentum to support a highly vibrant blockchain ecosystem. According to the joint updates, the Cardano protocol recorded a total of 73.2 million transactions during the week. The total recorded token policies were 78,063 while overall, as many as 137 projects were launched on the blockchain

Cardano where it has gone on to enjoy tremendous developer support. The approach previously unveiled by IOG to integrate members of the public into the decision-making process as teams developing some of their most innovative products take a journey in their efforts to pave the network

Over the past week . Cardano developers scored a remarkable achievement with a series of updates released across the board

One of the most important highlights is the transition from the core technology team to the pre-release "Node v.8.2.1-pre for use on SanchoNet. It is a new development network created to introduce the Cardano community to the governance features of CIP-1694. and to build and test together in a controlled environment, through a tiered series of regular releases

Cardano works in a unique way with different teams dedicated to different products. As reported, almost every team scored. Including those who work in Mithril, Lace and Voltaire. Great achievements to complement the growth target that is printed week after week (WoW) for the past few months

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