‼️ Best Trading Type and Strategies ‼️

If you are sincere to yourself and really want to learn trading, there is something you must learn,

✅ Arbitrage Trading

A type of trading where you get benefits from two different price levels on different exchanges for one coin,

You can use the fluctuation between prices and can make good money.

✅ Hedge Mode

Where you can open long/short at the same time for same coin,

Thus you can move on winning side easily.

What you need to know, ?

Most of you know these type of trading but not everyone can apply and play smartly,

If you are really interested, i will write down and article+ a live session at @Binance Live to help you learn in practical environment. Hit it ✅

Soon $BTC will give you hell of volatility and opportunity to bring it on. Make sure you are around.#mugal99

#ArbitrageMasters #hedgemode