
Guys, don't miss the summer while you're staring at the charts. A few points:

• the market is boring, liquidity is falling

• minimum movements in the market, but maximum emotions. One of the psychological traps is when, instead of calmly leaving the market and waiting for volatility, a trader squeezes the last drops out of his deposit and a shattered nervous system. Don't do this! Nobody forces you to trade all the time. Summer, relax, do other things.

• and when the trend market comes, you are already empty and disappointed, and the deposit has become 2 times smaller - because you traded when you shouldn’t trade. Leave this thing stupid, and save your energy and focus for the market, which deserves it.

• the trader always comes first. On the second is a deposit, and only on the third is a specific transaction. Don't look for hidden meaning - the market is just resting, which is what I advise you to do.

So what should I do? Differently.

- You can leave your long-term deals.

- You can sit in the stables and wait for a good market.

The market is definitely not for active trading. Save your strength and deposit for autumn. I left #doge and #avax from the long term.