For those investors who do not understand or are unwilling to stop loss, their mentality can often be attributed to the following two types:

The first is stubbornness and unwillingness to bow down. They firmly believe that they have superb investment vision and believe that they cannot make mistakes. They study various technical indicators in depth, such as golden cross, dead cross, etc., but often attribute losses to market instability or other external factors. This mentality makes it difficult for them to accept their mistakes, and then suffer greater losses in investment.

The second is self-deception and lack of courage to face risks. When investment losses exceed the preset stop loss level, they often choose to ignore this fact and let the losses continue to expand. They believe that as long as they do not sell, there is still hope of rebounding. However, this kind of thinking ignores the real situation of the market, that is, investment losses are objective, and if they are not stopped in time, the losses may be further aggravated.

In fact, every investor is an ordinary member of the market, not a chosen one with special abilities. In the world of digital currency investment, stop loss is an important means of protecting oneself. Timely stop loss can reduce losses and leave more room and opportunities for future investments. Therefore, investors should face up to their investment behavior, set stop-loss positions reasonably, and execute decisively when necessary to achieve stable investment returns.

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