The overall market has pulled back. Looking at the overall volatility on a weekly or monthly basis, mainstream currencies are still weak, and Bitcoin is still the main force that dominates the market. Only by patiently waiting for the adjustment of Bitcoin to be over can the market risks be eliminated.

The following content is only personal operating logic and is for reference only. It does not constitute operating advice. Please be responsible for your own positions!

The band trend analysis at the daily level is as follows and is for reference only by holders.

【Full Star Five】

Bitcoin (BTC):

Daily trend: bullish 5

Hourly trend: Trend 2

Short-term adjustment or breakthrough: Breakthrough 2

Support, risk line around 68000, below which the price is at risk of accelerating adjustment;

Above 70500, the short-term trend will be relatively strong;

Clear the leveraged positions in the band, wait patiently for the adjustment to end, and then make a move when the market strengthens. The overall market is volatile, and it is difficult to achieve anything by doing trend bands. Wait patiently for the real trend to come!


The short-term trend can only be strong if it is above 167;

Risk line 164; if it fails to go up, the adjustment may continue to accelerate;

Be patient and wait for the market to improve. If you want to buy at the bottom, it is recommended to buy at the bottom of the spot market when the market crashes, as the leverage risk is relatively high.

