Binance is preparing to list a new coin soon, which is the $LISTA coin of the Lista Dao project
I will show you some important details that you should know before listing the currency.
What is Lista Dao Project?
The project is based on liquid staking of BNB on the BSC network, in addition to its stable, decentralized operation.
The project's biggest focus is on the liquid staking side of BNB.
By staking BNB you get slisBNB.
With the exception of Binance, Lista Dao is the first on the BSC network by accounting for approximately 90% of the TVL value of liquid staking protocols on the network.
When was the Lista Dao project launched?
In fact, the Lista Dao project is somewhat old in the market.
Initially, the protocol was called Helio, then it was merged with the Synclub protocol under a new name, Lista Dao.
The decision to merge stemmed from the team's focus on excellence in the liquid rationing sector.
So much so that the choice of the name Lista came by combining the first letters of the word Liquid Staking
Who is behind the Lista Dao project?
The only notable name announced is Binance Labs.
In August 2023, Binance announced its investment of $10 million in the Helio protocol, which has now become Lista Dao.
What are the price expectations for Lista coin?
Price forecasts for currencies depend on several variables.
Market conditions, economic value of the project, currency economics upon listing, etc.
Taking some of these variables into account, we can put a market value for the project between $150~300 million upon listing.
Meaning, the price of the currency upon listing may range between $0.65 ~ $1.3
What are the uses of Lista coin?
The primary use of the coin is governance.
But staking the coin in exchange for veLISTA gives token holders the right to share in the protocol's profits.
When will Lista coin be listed on Binance?
The currency listing is scheduled to occur on June 20 at 1pm Mecca time.
But until that time, you can participate in the Megadrop event because it is a currency project that allocated $100,000,000 Lista to its participants.
I mentioned the full participation details in my last post on my Binance Square account.