The little-known secret behind the crash🥇🥇🥇

Have you ever encountered a sudden crash in the middle of the night and felt puzzled? Today, let's uncover the reasons behind this.

Every crash is beyond our expectations, and often happens in the middle of the night. Behind this is actually someone manipulating the market. These investors, known as "dog big households", will slowly absorb chips in the early stage, then sell them all at once, smash the market price, and then frantically buy more chips. This operation method is extremely barbaric, catching many investors off guard.

And behind all this, it's all about contracts. If there were no contracts, there might not be so many barbaric operations. However, this does not mean that we should give up investing completely.

In the currency circle, investment is like a gamble, full of risks. However, as long as we remember to invest with spare money and not invest all our belongings, we can reduce the risk to a certain extent. At the same time, we also need to keep learning and improve our investment skills in order to better cope with market changes.

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