#BTC 80k😂😂😂🤯🤯🤯. Still waiting for 80K🤣
let's think for you. everytime i hear BTC 100k I think of bread. and then water. which of the two do you need more.
in order for it to make money, IT NEEDS YOU.
selfphones has people going backwards
yes SELFPHONES. you think you pretty smart don't you. do you know who is smarter then you.
People who has money. Comfort over fancy.
For Example.. youll buy nike. no money to save your life... people with money. slippers.
coinbase or binance.
no matter who. you will see. one is in jail the other on a yacht. one China man looking aka Canadian. thee other, American White man.
We are not Equal stop being stupid.
Things are not evenly balanced
YOU Ether take RISKS or shut your mouth
and stand on the sidelines.
which means you out of the game.
Stop complaining and Start playing.
To Learn is To Teach.
English is money. The Dollar Says so🫡