Bitcoin price today: BTC is up 2.94%
What is the price of bitcoin today?
The price of bitcoin, or 1 BTC, traded at $70,958.74, as of 8 a.m. ET. The highest intraday price that the original crypto reached in the past year was $73,750.07 on March 14, 2024.
Bitcoin’s all-time high was on March 14, 2024, trading at $73,750.07 per bitcoin. The lowest intraday price that the crypto traded in the past year was $24,797.17 on June 15, 2023. The original crypto is up by 176.19% year over year.
BTC had very humble beginnings when it was launched in January 2009. Fifteen years later, the world’s first cryptocurrency has completely shifted global financial markets and amassed a global market capitalization of $1.40 trillion.
The crypto is also becoming a popular alternative to government-backed fiat currencies, such as the U.S. dollar, which tend to lose value over time due to inflation.