Vechain has many features that made it the focus of investors' attention, which played a role in increasing its value and market share. The most important of these features:

Enhancing trust along supply chains: The most important feature of Vechain is its main role in supporting the business sector and supply chains, by providing all necessary information related to products along the chain. This contributes to accelerating implementation, reducing costs, and improving quality control.

A distinguished team of developers: A distinguished team of developers is working on the VET currency project, with extensive experience in the information technology sector. This team is leading a set of improvements that in turn contribute to strengthening the currency’s position and attracting more investors to it.

Clear Roadmap: Vechain has a very clear future direction, and has grown rapidly over the past few years. It also has a global fulfillment network of 111 nodes, with offices in Hong Kong, China, Singapore and France.

Strong Partnerships: VeChain has partnerships with many of the most powerful companies such as (PwC), which is one of the largest accounting firms in the world. In addition to its value of $20 billion with the energy giant (DNV GL). Other partnerships also include Microsoft, Viseo and Renault. The Chinese government also chose VeChain as a blockchain technology partner