$BTC $BNB $Teach you how to participate in Binance Megadrop】Friends, are you ready? Let's participate in Binance Megadrop, which is another unique adventure brought to us by Binance!

1. First, create a Binance Web3 wallet.

If you already have one, keep reading.

2. Get some BNB. You need them to complete the task.

3. Connect your Binance Web3 wallet to lista.

This is a simple step, but it is critical. As shown in the picture, first enter the binance main interface, click megadrop, and then participate as required by the picture.

4. Deposit some BNB to LISTA.

You need at least 0.01BNB to pay for transaction fees.

5. Lock your BNB to BNB Locked Products of Binance Simple Earn. The longer the time, the richer the reward.

This will increase your score.

6. Complete Web3 tasks.

They will make your score bigger.

7. Calculate your total score.

Total Score = (Locked BNB Score * Web3 Quest Multiplier) + Web3 Quest Bonus

8. Wait for your reward.

Your reward depends on your total score and the total score of all other eligible participants.

9. Enjoy your Binance Megadrop journey.

It is a journey full of adventure and reward.


1. Make sure your Binance account is KYC verified.

2. Make sure your Binance Web3 wallet meets all requirements.

3. Make sure you have enough BNB to complete all tasks.

4. Make sure you complete the tasks on time.

5. Enjoy this unique experience!

I hope this tutorial can help you successfully participate in Binance Megadrop. Good luck!

Finally, remember that in the adventure of Binance Megadrop, whether it is a gain or a failure, it is a unique learning experience. So, no matter what the result is, be sure to enjoy the process!#MegadropLista#Megadrop攻略