In the next five years, as long as you are not in debt, you will be the happiest person. Don't take out a loan to buy a car, try to pay in full, don't take out a loan to buy a house, try to pay in full.

In the past few years, as long as ordinary people don't touch RVs, they won't have too much debt, and your life will be easier than others, and there will be no too much pressure.

In the next five years, don't invest in a partnership to start a business. The environment is not good. You will only lose money if you go in, and you may even be in debt.

Control your desires, live a simple life, maintain a good relationship between husband and wife and family, exercise more, health is the capital of revolution, you can read more management or marketing books, and wait for opportunities.

In addition, the premise of starting a business is a familiar industry, and you are also excellent in this industry, and then connect to the Internet, control cash flow, and take steady steps. Starting a company is never a horn to launch a charge for you, it should be your song of victory in harvesting the market.

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