Dear readers, crypto investors! We live with you in amazing times. With the help of this resource, in a few hours we can become rich people, or in the opposite direction...
Today I would like to discuss the topic of “white money” with you. As you all know, each country has its own limits on receiving or sending money. Whatever you earn from the exchanges is essentially “black money”.
If someone doesn't know, then:
White money is money that you have paid tax on. Also, basically, as many say, this is money earned with your own hands.
Black money is earnings on some “topics”. They try to withdraw this money as much as possible so as not to lose a penny.
So let's get back to the conversation. Let's imagine that you wake up in the morning and you have $1,000,000 in your account on the stock exchange. How will you get them out? What is needed in order to remove them correctly?