ETF has passed, and the next scenario can be predicted. ETH will go sideways or fall until June 15th, and the time may not be very accurate. Then one day during this period, there will be another big positive line, starting a violent bull market.

It's finally over, but this is only the passing of 19b-4. There is no clear statement on S-1/S-3S. At present, the front end of the SEC has not been updated, but it has been seen on the back end.

So 19b-4 is definitely passed, but this does not mean that#ETHspot ETF can be listed, because S-1/S-3 is still needed.

In this regard, I don't have to wait for everyone, because 19b-4 has passed, which means that ETH spot ETF has definitely passed, and listing is sooner or later.

Don't miss the good airdrops in the bull market. This year, the pledge ecology of $SOL has performed very well. Recently,#SOLFIis giving out benefits, super big wool.

How to receive it, open the browser


Fill in the sol wallet address and receive an airdrop every day.

There are only a few days left for the event, don't miss the good opportunity.

To get the airdrop, you need to hoard more coins. If you want to get the big money, the early on-chain pre-sale is a good choice. If you have time, use time to exchange for space. If you don’t have time, just pre-sell some coins at the lowest price.

Remember to share with friends to get extra airdrop rewards!