ETH's daily line has a huge positive line directly reaching the 3660 pressure level. If it stands firm, it will be 4k. It only takes one big positive line to change the faith of leeks. If it doesn't work, just two.

Alas, how many years have I not seen a 20% big positive line on ETH?

It only appeared once during the last bull market

When it appears, the real violent bull market + copycat season starts...

I didn't set a stop profit before going to bed last night, and each position opened 10,000 or 20,000 U more. When I woke up, I was really scared. Especially ETH. This is the biggest profit of the contract in two years! I quickly stopped all profits at 90%. This wave of market is hard to hunt. I believe that after this battle, the confidence of the bulls will also be beaten back.

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