According to Odaily, Picasso Network, a part of the Polkadot DeFi protocol Composable Finance, has announced on platform X that users can now experience the implementation of the Blockchain Interoperability Protocol (IBC) on Solana. This marks the launch of the first minimally trusted connection between several networks including Solana, Cosmos, Ethereum, and Polkadot.

Previously, Composable Finance had launched the Ethereum IBC testnet, allowing users to transfer Picasso's native token PICA between Ethereum and Cosmos. This recent development signifies a significant step towards achieving greater interoperability between different blockchain networks.

The implementation of the IBC on Solana by Picasso Network is a significant milestone in the blockchain industry. It not only enhances the connectivity between different blockchain networks but also provides users with more flexibility and options for transferring assets across different platforms.

The launch of the first minimally trusted connection between Solana, Cosmos, Ethereum, and Polkadot is a testament to the growing importance of blockchain interoperability in the digital asset space. As more blockchain networks become interconnected, users can expect a more seamless and efficient experience when transferring assets across different platforms.