How can you turn $20 into $1 million with #Dogecoin?

Step 1: Buy $20 worth of Dogecoin when it is at its lowest price.

Step 2: Wait for Elon Musk to tweet something positive about Dogecoin and watch the price skyrocket.

Step 3: Sell your Dogecoin for a massive profit before the hype dies down.

Step 4: If Elon Musk tweets something negative about Dogecoin, buy another $20 worth of Dogecoin and hope he changes his mind.

Step 5: Congratulations, you have either turned $20 into $1 million or learned a valuable lesson about influence. šŸ˜‚

I hope you laughed at my joke. Please note that this is not a financial advice and I do not endorse Dogecoin as a way to earn money quickly.