[ChainCatcher News] YouTube investigator Stephen Findeisen (aka Coffeezilla) recently accused AI company Rabbit of planning an NFT scam and trying to cover it up. In a video released on May 21, Findeisen revealed that Rabbit AI, formerly known as Cyber ​​Manufacture Co., had raised $6 million for the NFT project Gama. However, Rabbit AI founder and CEO Jesse Lyu claimed that his company "will never get involved in cryptocurrency" and called Gama his "little fun project" during COVID-19.

In the video, Findeisen showed a recording of Lyu describing Gama's grand vision, in which Lyu said they invested millions of dollars to ensure that Gama would become "an extraordinary experience." Findeisen questioned this, believing that the $6 million raised by the Gama project was unaccounted for. Although the company claimed that the funds were only used for NFT projects, Findeisen did not buy it.

In addition, Findeisen also pointed out that Rabbit's R1 product also had the problem of over-hype, and some people believed that this was an "AI scam." Rabbit has not yet responded to Findeisen's allegations.