$NOT Why can NOT do x100 in the future? (Part 2)
As we read, the integrated NOT into the Catizen game was burned at 5,000,000 NOTs, and this is just the beginning, NOT co-founder Alexander Plotvinov said that in about a month we will see the largest NOT burning.
“Now there are unbranded and unbranded NOTs, we don’t know yet how many people will never brand [their NOTs]. I think that about a month after the listing we will allow users to brand, or withdraw, or lock. What was not withdrawn or locked up will be partially burned, and partially put into the fund.
I predict that this will be one of the loudest burning events, because the amount can be very large,” said Plotvinov.
Thus, from the current supply of 102 billion coins, there will be a deflationary model, coins will be burned and thereby reducing supply, it is quite possible to do with the current x100, this is approximately $0.5 and for example, 30 billion coins will be burned, capitalization will be $35 billion for such a large-scale project , this is a very real figure, NOT will be included in the top10, for example, I bought axs at a price of $0.3 and sold at $0.6, and a year later the price was $166, I could have made a profit of x533, no one could have thought such a thing then.