If you like NFTs, you will love this! NFT OG @0n1Force is joining Astar zkEVM's user journey, Yoki Origins, which opens May 23rd! 👹 0N1 Force is an anime brand known for its pioneering first-ever anime PFP collection that spans multiple blockchains (ETH & BTC). In collaboration with its community, 0N1 crafts immersive, character-driven stories and has made notable appearances at major events like Comic-Con. 📅 Timeline: 🔸 Total Supply - 777 NFTs 🔸 Mint Price - 0.02777 ETH 🔸 WL mint: 1 PM UTC 🔸 Public mint: 3 PM UTC 🔸 1 NFT/ wallet 🧑‍🎨: @IanB93 Both credit card and ETH purchasing will be available. Please make sure to bridge your assets to Astar zkEVM. Not sure how? We've got you covered. 🧵👇