Pavel Durov called Notcoin an “amazing success story” and received $7 million worth of NOT.

However, this isn't payment for mentioning it 😄. These are the same 1,030,383,291.36 NOT that were given to Durov by the players. During a February promotion, 552,586 players sent him 1,030,383,291,362 game coins. Remarkably, 203,303 players donated all their coins. The team later announced they would return the coins to all donors, doubling the amount.

Durov highlighted in his post that the project had garnered over 35 million active users in just a few months, and particularly noted the successes on the day of the listings:

“... Notcoin instantly entered the top 10 cryptocurrencies by trading volume, and its market capitalization reached almost $700 million. Imagine - hundreds of millions of dollars in value were created for Telegram users in this mini-app from nothing in just a few months. This amazing success story demonstrates the power of the Telegram/TON ecosystems for app developers... We are now witnessing a surge of new mini-apps being developed on Telegram and TON. Notcoin, leading the charge, has paved the way for many future applications.”

Naturally, nothing is mentioned about the negative experiences during the drop and listing (freezing custodial crypto wallets, returning funds from Binance to the gaming application, app crashes even a day later). However, if everyone eventually gets their coins and can sell them at the desired price, these issues are not fatal. Despite the challenges, the drop and the project are unprecedented.

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