What is Aligned Layer? How can it improve the integration of zero-knowledge proof and Ethereum by increasing the efficiency of "verification"? Or why are these questions important? This article will briefly introduce the problems and positioning that Aligned Layer wants to solve in the industry.

(This article is not investment advice)

What problem does Aligned Layer want to solve?

There is a need for calculation and verification of zero-knowledge proofs in the market

Various applications such as zk-rollups, zkEVM and zk coprocessor (zk Coprocessor) are constantly emerging, which are indeed expected to improve the usage scenarios and efficiency of the Ethereum network. However, due to the limitations of the blockchain architecture, these applications cannot Take it to the extreme. The cost of computing and verifying zero-knowledge proofs is still high.

Recommended reading: Introduction to ZK co-processor, how can blockchain products improve user experience through data? Reason for recommendation: This article introduces how coprocessors solve the problem of low efficiency in calling data in the blockchain, and introduces existing implementation projects and architectures including Brevis and Axiom, which can be used to understand the new application of zk coprocessor. The context behind submitting a proof.

Ethereum was not originally designed for zero-knowledge proofs

When Ethereum was launched in 2015, it was not designed for ZK. However, as zero-knowledge proof technology becomes more and more important to the development of the Web3 industry, how to most efficiently improve the means of incorporating these technologies into Ethereum is becoming more and more popular among the community. Pay attention to.

Ethereum was not originally designed with zero-knowledge proofs or validity proofs in mind, so adding these things now has limited efficiency.

In order to use zero-knowledge proofs, continuously adding relevant functions to the Ethereum protocol to improve the proof system is itself a slow and challenging process.

This may increase network security risks. The security of the system can be compromised by exploiting any validator in the chain, and the entire system is only as secure as its weakest link. For example if pairing-based proof systems are involved, maintaining quantum resistance is not feasible.

(What if a quantum attack occurs in Ethereum? Vitalik: Don’t worry)

The generation was done, but what about the verification?

Many infrastructures that attempt to improve Ethereum's computing and verification of zero-knowledge proofs have begun to appear on the market. First of all, you need to know that zero-knowledge proofs are divided into generation and verification. The zk proof aggregation layer (also known as the zk shared proof layer) attempts to solve the computational cost of generating zero-knowledge proofs, but after submitting the proof to Ethereum The cost of verification is still slow, so the market has emerged as an infrastructure to replace Ethereum verification - the zk verification layer.

After the zero-knowledge proof is generated, it will be submitted to the main network for verification (source)

The goal of Aligned Layer is to provide another faster verification method for "individuals or projects who submit zero-knowledge proofs" and to expand the capacity of the last mile "verification" in the field of zero-knowledge proofs through a network.

Recommended reading: Introduction to the shared proof layer. Why has it become an important cornerstone of modular development? Reason for recommendation: This article clearly explains what the zk shared proof layer is and how it solves the high cost of generating zero-knowledge proofs. It can be compared with this article to have a more three-dimensional understanding of this issue.

Aligned Layer Introduction

Built on EigenLayer

Aligned Layer will be AVS built on EigenLayer, using a remortgage system to create a zero-knowledge proof verification layer.

Recommended reading: How will the re-staking project EigenLayer change the Web3 infrastructure ecosystem? Reason for recommendation: This article comprehensively explains EigenLayer’s design concept, what problems it solves, and its development status. You can quickly understand its innovative product positioning and design architecture, and you can also better understand the following content of this article.

Quickly verify SNARK paths

Aligned Layer provides a verification solution that reduces time and cost overhead, and allows developers to choose whether to wait for the proof to be verified on Ethereum; or they can choose to submit the proof to Aligned Layer for fast soft verification. When Ethereum The main network has completed the verification of the single zero-knowledge proof packaged by Aligned Layer, and has further obtained finality confirmation.

Aligned Layer Operational Structure (Data Source)

The team stated that it does not endorse any specific type of zk-SNARK proof and will support the development of any participation in zero-knowledge technology. The goal of Aligned Layer is to enable the highest efficiency for verification of any SNARK proof, and the security of future Ethereum validators will not be limited by their technology.

The Aligned Layer team aims to transform Ethereum into an efficient and cost-effective SNARK verification platform.

In addition, Aligned Layer can also use other data availability layers (DA) to further reduce proof storage costs.

Aligned Layer does not use EVM

The team stated that the EVM was not designed for ZK verification, so most verifications are expensive. On the other hand, the current EVM cannot handle operations exceeding 30,000,000 Gas per block.

Therefore, in order to improve verification efficiency, Aligned Layer will use the virtual machine on the local side of the node instead of the EVM.

The Aligned Layer team believes that due to the improved efficiency, it can verify proof systems that are not feasible in Ethereum, such as overly large zero-knowledge proofs.

Aligned Layer potential usage scenarios

The team believes that by creating a new settlement layer, Aligned Layer can achieve rapid finality (soft verification) and improve operational efficiency for many services based on zero-knowledge proofs. For example, application chain (based on zk-rollups), fast cross-chain (based on zk proof communication), oracle machine (based on zk proof communication), co-processor (based on providing zk proof).

(Near and EigenLayer create a fast settlement layer SFFL to realize Layer2 fast communication)

(This article is not investment advice)

This article Aligned Layer introduces how to strengthen zero-knowledge proof applications through verification? First appeared in Chain News ABMedia.