According to Odaily, Michaël van de Poppe, CEO and founder of MN Trading, has announced that he has sold all his Bitcoin and converted it into altcoins. Despite the recent significant hit altcoins have taken, van de Poppe remains optimistic about the ongoing bull market cycle. He acknowledges the risks associated with investing in altcoins at this time but believes the potential returns are substantial.

In addition to this, van de Poppe has also revealed plans to reinvest in Bitcoin later in the year. His decision to convert all his Bitcoin into altcoins is a significant move, given the current volatile state of the cryptocurrency market. However, his confidence in the potential of altcoins and his plans to return to Bitcoin later in the year indicate a strategic approach to navigating the market's fluctuations.

This news comes amid a time of significant volatility in the cryptocurrency market, with altcoins experiencing substantial losses. Despite this, van de Poppe's decision to invest in altcoins demonstrates his belief in their potential for high returns. His planned return to Bitcoin later in the year also suggests a belief in the continued strength of this leading cryptocurrency.