Project Overview

GM Network is a Layer2 network based on blockchain technology, combining DePIN (decentralized identity) and AI technology. The project was co-founded by EigenLayer and AltLayer, aiming to create an efficient and intelligent blockchain ecosystem without gas fees. GM Network plans to issue $GM tokens as an economic incentive in the blockchain network.


GM Network has received support from many well-known blockchain companies, including OKX, Bybit and Element Market. These partners will provide GM Network with technical, market and ecological resource support.

Participation Process

1. Registration and preparation

Click the link:

Connect your wallet and enter the invitation code: 2WM5

Create a unique AI avatar and complete daily check-in tasks

2. Social Tasks - Part 1


Join the Discord channel and send a welcome message

Follow GM Network on Medium

View the user manual and detail pages

3. Social Tasks - Part 2

Choose your favorite Cybervisor on Opensea

Get GM role on Discord

Follow GM Network on selected platforms (e.g. Twitter)

Like a tweet about GM Network

4. Social Interaction - Part 3

Retweet a tweet about GM Network

Join GM Network's Telegram group

Join GM Network's Telegram channel

Subscribe to GM Network’s YouTube channel

5. Social Tasks - Part 4

Pass the first round of vytorina testing (may involve understanding and testing GM Network)

Complete the second round of quizzes (may involve more in-depth GM Network skills or knowledge)


As an innovative project that combines blockchain, DePIN and AI technology, GM Network provides participants with a wealth of tasks and incentives. By completing the above registration, social tasks and interactions, you will have the opportunity to become one of the first participants of GM Network and have the opportunity to receive $GM tokens as rewards. In addition, GM Network's partners also provide it with strong ecological support, making the project have great development potential in the blockchain field.

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