Bitcoin and Ethereum

Despite the prevailing market volatility, Bitcoin’s underlying fundamentals remain strong. This resilience is evident from the steadfast behavior of long-term holders and a significant drop in mining difficulty. Ethereum, on the other hand, has been facing security challenges, with the platform suffering 57% of the exploits and hacks in the first quarter of 2024.

Other Narratives

Stellar performance from memecoins eclipsed Bitcoin and altcoin gains, with an average return of 1312.6%. Memecoins like Brett and Book of Meme have garnered significant returns.

In the AI narrative, all large-cap AI tokens experienced gains, with AIOZ Network and leading the way. The DeFi narrative achieved moderate returns, with Ribbon Finance as the most profitable large-cap token. DePIN recorded losses in the first half of the quarter but managed to end with an 81.0% return.

In Focus: Pepe Coin

  • Market Performance: Despite last days’ bearish trend in the crypto market, Pepe Coin emerged as a standout performer. 

  • GameStop Trader Influence: An infamous trader, known for the GameStop rally in 2021, has returned, causing a frenzy in financial markets. This has contributed to Pepe Coin’s surge, with a 30% increase after the trader’s activity was noted.

  • Market Speculation: Analysts are observing a shift from utility tokens to meme coins, with Pepe Coin’s market capitalization potential being a topic of discussion. There is speculation about whether Pepe Coin will continue to rise or if a market correction is imminent.

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