#US - #CPI (Apr):
MoM = +0.3% (expected +0.4% / previously +0.4%)
YoY = +3.4% (expected +3.4% / previously +3.5%)
Core CPI = +3.6% yoy (expected +3.6% / previously +3.8%)
Inflation is still confirmed at 3.4%.
This is very high from the level the #Fed is expecting.
On the back of yesterday's PPI there were expectations to see 3.5-3.6. But overall the situation is still complicated by the fact that there are no clear views on when the US will be able to control inflation, when the Fed will cut interest rates and when the situation will stabilize.
How long this decline in the #dollarindex will be within the medium term is unclear. We will watch the situation further