[How new and old users can earn 2520U in 10 minutes]

1. Transaction costs

When trading spot, contract, etc. on the exchange, the platform will charge a fee, calculated at the most basic 0.1%. If the daily trading volume is 20,000U, the fee is 20U, 600U per month, and 7200U per year.

2. Check the fees

(1) Total fees for the past 30 days: In Binance-Personal Center-Account Center-VIP Privileges, you can view the trading volume for the past 30 days, and estimate the fees spent within 30 days according to the transaction fee rate.

(2) Contract fees: In Binance Assets-Contracts-Contract Profit and Loss Analysis-Funding Fees and Transaction Fees, you can view the contract fees.

3. Reduce transaction fee wear and tear

You only need to fill in the invitation code when registering or re-registering an account to enjoy a 35% cashback, which is 7200U in fees per year, saving 2520U per year.

If you trade frequently, with large amounts of capital, leverage or contract trading, it is easy to save gas money every month and car money every year.

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