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🚨Chinese police in Sichuan have stepped up their fight against underground banking networks, focusing on billions of US dollars worth of USDT transactions. • The suspects allegedly circumvented national foreign exchange regulations by using the stablecoin for illegal foreign exchange transactions. • Authorities closed two underground banking hubs in Fujian and Hunan provinces. • The case spanned 26 provinces in China and more than 190 suspects were arrested across the country. Although Sichuan previously played a significant role in the crypto industry, the situation quickly changed following Beijing's complete ban on all cryptocurrency transactions.

🚨Chinese police in Sichuan have stepped up their fight against underground banking networks, focusing on billions of US dollars worth of USDT transactions.

• The suspects allegedly circumvented national foreign exchange regulations by using the stablecoin for illegal foreign exchange transactions.

• Authorities closed two underground banking hubs in Fujian and Hunan provinces.

• The case spanned 26 provinces in China and more than 190 suspects were arrested across the country.

Although Sichuan previously played a significant role in the crypto industry, the situation quickly changed following Beijing's complete ban on all cryptocurrency transactions.

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