Article taken from the medium of LuncBurnArmy.
The following summary outlines the governance-approved work for the 2nd quarter, and current status of completion for all items.
The second quarter was a significant one for the Luna Classic blockchain as the chain underwent several large upgrades to bring us up-to-date technologically with Luna V2 and the rest of the cosmos ecosystem. Importantly, Cosmos SDK was upgraded to v0.45.11, and Cosmwasm was upgraded to v1.1.1. In addition, IBC’s to Kujira were opened, and there was a significant security patch implemented — the “Cherry patch” early in the quarter.
Following the v2.1.1 upgrade, the L1 Team has had to spend a significant amount of time addressing the issue with Astroport (due to Astroport making the decision to not upgrade Classic smart contracts). As a result, the Astroport work has been prioritized over a couple of documentation items (including developer documentation, and cross-chain liquidity), as Astroport has a much larger impact to the overall ecosystem.
April/May , 2023
· Finalize pre-release testing of Core v2.0.0 on testnet and bump to “release”. Completed
· Finalize pre-release testing of Oracle-Feeder v2.0.4 on testnet and bump to “release.” Completed. Added multiple SDR sources.
· Prepare Terra.js v2.0.0 pre-release & ensure peer review Completed during v2.1.1 upgrade.
· Bump Terra.js v2.0.0 to “release” state and push changes upstream to TFL so they can prepare new NPM packages Completed during v2.1.1 upgrade. TFL has yet to implement this on their version of Station.
· Prepare Terra.proto v2.0.0 pre-release & ensure peer review Completed during v2.1.1 upgrade.
· Bump Terra.proto v2.0.0 to “release” and coordinate NPM packages with L2 team* Completed during v2.1.1 upgrade. Gevik has served as the bridge between L1/L2, and has assisted with testing these items.
· Work with L2 team to patch GUI assets (Station, extension, mobile) with new Terra.js v2.0.0 NPM package Completed during v2.1.1 upgrade, sent to TFL for implementation.
· Work with existing validators to expand the testnet to a targeted 30% of the validator set. All existing validators are requested to keep an identical configuration of their production instance available for scheduled “release testing” on the testnet. Requested. Feedback from validators is that this is cost prohibitive.
· Schedule v2.0.0 upgrade on mainnet and provide on-call support during scheduled chain-halt Completed
· Review, update, and prioritize product backlog for L1 team Completed
May/June 2023
· Integrate FeeShare module from Juno for release in v2.1.0 Modified. Deferred due to v2.1.0 upgrade, and discovery of consensus breaking issue with Feeshare module during testing. To be implemented in first upgrade of Q3.
· Finalize CosmWasm upgrade and prepare “migration documentation” for L2 developers Completed. Post production support provided to L2 dApp providers.
· Finalize pre-release testing of Core v2.1.0 on testnet and bump to “release” Completed
· Schedule v2.1.0 upgrade on mainnet and provide on-call support during scheduled chain-halt Completed
· Finalize Terra Operator v0.0.1 Deffered to Q3 due to Astroport migration required following v2.1.0 upgrade
· Overhaul CI (continuous integration) workflows Completed
· Establish IBC to Kujira Completed
June/July 2023
· Update Luna Classic developer documentation Fork of completed. Documentation repository now community owned: Updating and maintaining this document set will be an ongoing work activity, as the documentation will require constant updating to remain up-to-date.
· Assess migration path for Tendermint => CometBFT Completed
· Research options for bridging cross-chain liquidity (i.e., Axelar, Portal bridge/wormhole). The L1 Team has taken on several initiatives to bridge cross-chain liquidity including assisting with the development of the Mars Protocol proposal (Bug bounty program was required by Mars protocol), and the Quicksilver proposal. This work effort will continue into / throughout Q3.
· Review on-ramp technologies for Classic Station and develop proof-of-concept Completed. Deployed on test version of Station.
· Prepare Q3 budget and agora proposals Completed
· Finalize Q2 work and schedule agora posting and proposal vote for Q3 funding Completed
Q2 has been completed with a surplus budget. The budget surplus will be sent back to the community pool, and once completed, this will be communicated with the investor community.
Start of Q3
Q3 will run from July 17th to October 17th, 2023.
Please let us know if you have any questions or comments with respect to the Q2 deliverables. Thank you to all of the community for a successful second quarter.