High continuous decline valuation method: For a strong currency, if it has fallen for 9 consecutive days at a high level, this is an important signal that the currency may need to be revalued. At this time, investors should pay close attention to market dynamics in order to make more informed investment decisions.
Timely reduction of positions: If any currency has risen for two consecutive days, it is recommended that investors reduce their positions in time. This is to avoid large losses caused by market reversals. Timely reduction of positions can not only lock in profits, but also reduce risks.
Over-inflation long-hold strategy: When a currency rises by more than 7% in a single day, it often means that the currency has strong upward momentum in the short term. If the currency continues to rise the next day, investors can consider continuing to hold it to gain more profits.
Enter the market after the callback: For strong bull coins, investors should not rush to enter the market during the callback. Instead, they should wait until the callback is over before considering buying. This ensures that you buy at a relatively low price while reducing investment risks.
Quiet coin swap strategy: If a coin has a small price fluctuation for three consecutive days (i.e., “quiet”), investors are advised to observe for another three days. If there is still no obvious upward or downward trend within these six days, investors can consider transferring funds to other coins with greater potential.
Cost price selling principle: For any currency, if the cost price of the previous day is not reached the next day, investors should consider selling. This helps ensure that investors stop losses in time under unfavorable market conditions and avoid further losses.
Additional Trading Tips:
Buy on dips strategy: When a currency rises for two consecutive days on the gain list, there is often an opportunity for a pullback. At this time, investors can buy on dips to gain more profits.
Selling rule on the fifth day: According to market experience, when a currency rises for five consecutive days, there is often a risk of callback or reversal. Therefore, on the fifth day, investors can consider selling at high prices to avoid losses caused by market reversals. Of course, this needs to be judged based on specific market conditions and personal investment strategies.